When we start a business, we put all our love and time into it. We plan out well, we hire the best people, we amp up our inventory and top it off with really good marketing. A lot of businessmen say that during the first year to two years, the business may start out weak and losses will be incurred however, during the years after that, it should be doing well or it is not meant to go anywhere. If you find yourself caught in the loss rut for quite sometime, maybe business isn't really going anywhere unless you put some action.
First, take a look at your office or work place. Is it something that is nice to look at? If you work there, would you look forward to seeing it and being in it, or does it bore you to death and work just seems harder because of that? If it is more of the latter, change it! Revamp it! make it look like a hub of creativity and love. If you want to put feather flags to make it look more exciting, do so!
Next, be mindful of your staff. How do they work with customers? How do you treat them? Are you doing something to up their morale? Take them to vacations once in a while and ask how they're doing. Be their friend rather than a dictatorial boss.
Lastly, how much are you doing, really, to promote not just your product but your brand? Find something you can differentiate yourself from others with and play it up as an advantage. Promote this advantage and connect it to your product and your brand and people will view your business with a totally different outlook. If you want to launch a new image, do so grandly! Have
miniature flags,
custom table banners and even new
corporate logo flags to show it off!
The Flagman