Let's face it, sometimes it does happen in life when we are faced to make hard decisions prompting us to let go of a few things that mean so much to us. Living in a third-world country, the working class citizens are on the struggling mode to uplift their careers with the hope of improving their current lifestyle, if not, make ends meet to support the family and other dependents.
The most common career path is to leave the country and seek for greener pastures abroad. The thought of seeing a totally different
world flag for a few years is definitely hard as it means leaving the warmth of home and family. Parents have to be emotionally strong to live far away from the children.
Working overseas for one's loved ones are not all sad stories. Thanks to the wonders of internet and telecommunication because they help ease the loneliness and bridge the gap between the family members. More and more mobile phone companies offer cheaper long distance call rates. Sending hard-earned money back home isn't as limited and as expensive as before. Most of the major carriers, on the other hand, take turns in offering promotions for cheap plane tickets, thus allowing many overseas contract workers to go home regularly for vacation and family visits.
We know that challenges and problems are a given when family members are away from each other. It is always a sound idea to always think of the ultimate purpose why you decided to work abroad in the first place, and that is to strive hard for the ones you love. For one day, you will no longer be apart and finally see
welcome flags waving at you when you go home for good.
The Flagman