The university is one of the freest areas in the world. First, you go there by choice, you pick a course of your choice, you pick your subject's schedules, you choose what to wear, and you can go out of the campus and get in any time of the day. Plus there's an absence quota, which lets you savor the part of you who is truant and spend some days in sheer skipping - class glory. Waving the
college flags just yet?
The freedom might daunt you at first. A lot of kids leave their towns to go off to great colleges which are halfway across the country or a few miles away from home. Remember the time when you were looking back, outside your window and waving goodbye to your family? All you can think about was a cocktail of anxiety and the looking forward to your newfound freedom.
In college, we are designed to enjoy being social and intellectual beings, as every college or university encourages a well-rounded individual. It is like high school, yes, but in college, you are older, more mature and you are forced to be more independent. Statistics show that people who rake high incomes and have fast advancement in the corporate world are also the people who have almost unblemished college records (no matter what the high school records said).
So when you finally go off to college, do not screw up. It doesn't mean that when you graduate you need to have memorized the
189 Member Complete UN set or you've mastered English grammar or the quadratic equation by heart. But it means that you are a totally new individual, capable of making good choices and ready to venture into the real world, the world outside school.
The Flagman