If you are planning to set up a resort, you might want to consider a few things beforehand. This is because you will want to maintain a solid safety record and a good perimeter. Without these, your business might fail or you might be forced by the authorities to close it down due to unsafe practices. If you do get these, you will be well rewarded by the influx of customers.
The first thing that you have to do is to mark the potentially harmful areas around your resort. It actually doesn't matter if you have a mountain resort or a beach resort since the dangers are relatively similar in terms of potential damage. You can mark these by using
danger flags. These flags can easily be seen and can easily be avoided as they are universal symbols for hazardous materials. While there will be daredevils who will try to brave the dangers, you will be able to say that you did your part as the owner of the resort by warning them with flags.
The next thing that you have to do is to set up a good perimeter. This is because you have to tell people about where your area of responsibility ends. You can do this by using brightly colored
blank flags at regular intervals. This isn't just for your customers as your security teams will also have to navigate the perimeter. This is to make sure that nobody gets lost. This is especially useful for mountain resorts as you will be surrounded by wilderness.
The Flagman