People are bombarded with issues everyday. These issues come from the different spheres of politics, society, and economics. It doesn't mean that once the issues are there, people automatically take stances. The thing is, that it takes more than the issues to do something about it. To affect change, catalysts have to take stances.
Change happens when the different people who take a stance can convince the others who don't have the will to take it by themselves. This means that the catalysts have to carry something to rally people to. This is especially true if the issues presented are political since they have to bring
political party flags so that they can be identified with it. This happens very frequently during election periods as people have to be informed about the different political parties. Otherwise, people might not know what to choose.
When there are people who are marginalized, there are also people who want to change it. This is especially true regarding homosexuality since people feel differently about it. The catalyst then must come from the marginalized population. This is because the most effective catalyst for a social issue such as this should come from people who feel marginalized. Their perspective is what really counts in their struggle. This means that they have to use
pride flags so that they can convince people that there is nothing wrong with how they feel. After all, the only people who pose any real danger to them are the ones who don't feel comfortable with themselves.
The Flagman