Due to the great global scheme of trade, your stuff might not have been made in your country. They might have been made in another country and then shipped to your country. You might think that this makes things a little more expensive that usual because the products have been shipped from another country.
However, the products are actually cheaper this way because the cost of production is lesser in countries that have better production facilities than other countries. This lessens the total cost of coming up with a product and therefore reduces the cost of the product itself. This allows for the product to be sold in different areas since shipping will also have reduced cost. This is why there are so many shipping companies with their
corporate logo flags delivering goods to your doorstep.
But, all the ships in the world pass through the ports of the cities of their destination. This is where their cargo is unloaded and verified. This is also where the goods are segregated and loaded onto other transport vehicles to be delivered to more specific locations. However, this stage is when the goods are vulnerable. This is because the machines are controlled by people who can’t see how things go from up close. They need other signal men who can spot things from the ground. These signal men have special
custom flags that they use to signal the operators. They watch out for things that can go wrong and for things that need to be done in a very precise way.
The Flagman