Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Friday, September 17, 2010
During the medieval days, people entertained themselves with different kinds of games that were often exclusive to nobles. Knights would often participate in tournaments that tested their battle prowess. Of course, these tournaments take place during peacetime. After all, knights did form the backbone of the commanding arm of the kingdoms they belong to. Should they be absent during a major battle because they participated in a tournament, their honor is stripped from their family. In fact, their custom crest flags are torn in front of them to drive home the point that they brought themselves dishonor.

The most interesting part of this is that those games did not stop after the medieval period. Even today, these games take place. However, they aren't exclusive to nobles anymore. Commoners can take part of the events and can even win the events. The thing is that they no longer carry the same kind of flags the nobles did before. They carried their own custom flags that symbolized the group that they belonged to. This means that anyone who can pull together a team can take part in the games as long as they play by the rules.

These games aren't really that exclusive anymore. It just takes a lot of courage, strength, and endurance just to survive these games. If you don't have the heart for it, don't even try to get in. Otherwise, you'd end up hurting yourself and wasting the experience. Just sit and be the spectator until you can scrounge the guts to get in.

by: The Flagman