Scents and fragrances, like
attention flags, are one the world's most effective wake-uppers and mood boosters. Or not. Undoubtedly, they could also be possible culprits to ruin one’s appetite and bring down an upbeat mood to start a day. Each one of us encounters about a hundred different fragrances on a daily basis. For this article, let me tackle on the good ones.
The most common favorites are food, beverages perfumes, other interesting subjects like the natural smell of babies and even the weird stuff such as gasoline and paint. Of course, they differ on each person’s individuality the kind of lifestyle he or she leads.
Coffee addicts are awakened by the fresh aroma of brewed coffee for breakfast. And who wouldn't miss the yummy smell of newly baked bread from Mom's kitchen. Or if you don't bake at home, a leisure trip to a nearby pastry house will mean a delectable feast for your nose as you savor on their display of sweet goodies.
Another aroma that is sure make most stomachs grumble is the smell of fried or sauteed garlic. If you happen to pass by someone’s kitchen or a restaurant with this enticing odor, are you strong enough to resist the temptation to eat? Good luck to you, I say.
Meanwhile, surveys show that a lot of people particularly love the natural smell of babies. Some specified that they also like the infants’ baby powder fragrance after bath. Quite a big percentage of the respondents also answered that they are fond of the smell coming gasoline and paints. You may raise a
red flag on this due to health reasons but it just goes to show how people’s preferences using their sense of smell can be extremely unique.
The Flagman