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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Thursday, March 31, 2011
In ancient times and even up to this day, some clans have their own family crest flags that uniquely represent them. Family crest flags give a sense of family pride and unity which marks their individual identities. It may represent what the family has been through, their past, their traditions, beliefs, or perhaps future goals or mission in life.

Family crests can actually be anything that the family wants for as long as it represents them the best way possible. Today, family crests are best incorporated on flag designs.

Flags usually have a long and rich history. Its symbols and colors are all significant, each representing a meaning to the family. Family crests are usually painted or embroidered on colorful banners or single colored flags to identify one family or group of people from another.

Many times, flags have also been used for communication purposes such as in aviation, military, wars, and more. One symbol printed on a flag may help ease communication barriers especially amongst people with language differences and nationalities.

Today, not many people practice having their own family crest. However, having one printed on a vibrantly colored custom flag then raised on a strong pole planted in front of your home may not be a bad idea and is even in fact cool in this new generation. This gesture just shows how close and untied you are as a family, not to mention it is also a good way of creating your very own family identity.

by: The Flagman