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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Friday, September 7, 2012

There are so many types of flags available. However, people are usually familiar only with state or national flags. You
can actually find a wide array of flags for businesses and other organizations. Custom flags are constantly made for
different groups and these are also quite common among sports teams. There are proper ways to maintain and care
for these especially if the flags stand for specific virtues and principles
If you’ve wondered how a flag should be treated and cared for, it’s best to know the basic etiquette of handling and
keeping these. Individuals who have a custom flag for personal or business purposes will have to read more about
the guidelines to make sure that these last for a long time. If you are handling the United States flag, you need to be
familiar with the general guidelines and rules. Learn about the specific applications and how these should be
displayed properly.
One basic rule involves never allowing the flag to touch the ground. This is considered as a sign of disrespect by
many people. The national flag should also be raised higher than ordinary flags, signs or custom banners.
Try to display the American flag with utmost respect because it spreads the sense of nationalism wherever it is
raised. You can also try displaying custom flagswhich will be useful for different objectives depending on the
company or group you’re with. When displaying flags coming from various countries, make sure that these all have
the same height to emphasize the value of peace among nations. You can also display these at various places.

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by: The Flagman