Many flags are either hung or hoisted beside a pole. However, there are flags and banners which are mounted all on top of a surface for maximum display. This type of displaying custom flags is more secure, due to the significant amount of grommets or eye lets which allow more screws or holders to hold the flag in place.
Mounting custom flags require proper knowledge of the material to be used, as well as the surface to be mounted upon. Since a good display is based on the security of the mounting, knowing the kind of mountings for the specific surface available is the other half of the equation. Here are some of the surfaces usually mounted by flags.
Custom flags which are mounted on wooden or any similarly porous surface would have easy choices for mountings such as simple screws, and even push pins. However, the grip on this type of mountings would limit your custom flags to be smaller and lighter, as the opposite may be too unbearable for the mounts to handle. Screws, with threads in a spiral fashion, increase the surface tension, thus adding more holding strength and a higher load from the size and weight of the flag.
Cement surfaces are non-porous and do not have grain. Furthermore, they are so hard even for push pins and screws to penetrate. They are best in terms of strength and stability as base for mounting, but special requirements are required such as a drill and plastic tox and screws to create a grip within the boreholes. Similarly, metal surfaces would require specialized mounts.
The key to a good and secure mounting is a combination of a strong and sturdy base and the proper mountings for your custom flags.
Labels: advertising flag, custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag
The Flagman