One of the most recognizable flags in the world would probably be the
flag of the United States of America. No matter what size the American
flag is, big or small, it is easy to recognize. Just be seeing the
stars and stripes, it is impossible to make a mistake that it is a
flag of other countries.
Aside from the fact that it has a total of fifty stars and thirteen
blue and white horizontal stripes, there are more to the American flag
than just that. The flag of America has several nicknames such as the
Old Glory, Star-Spangled Banner, and Stars and Stripes.
The flag must only be displayed at certain times of the day. For
example, it must be raised to its pole as the sun begins to rise and
must be brought down before night time comes. It is displayed only
when there is daylight. However, the flag can be displayed up to
twenty-four hours as long as the flag is well light at night. When bad
weather comes, like storm, then the flag must be retrieved.
When the flag of America is showed in an upside-down position it gives
a different meaning. It means that the country is in danger and needs
help. This is actually applies to all of the country flags. If a
country is under war, it is common to see their country flags
displayed upside-down.
The American flag was first recognized as the symbol of USA by France.
This was when the time France assisted the USA fought for its
independence over Great Britain during the War of Independence.Labels: American flag, custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag
The Flagman