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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Having a tent is an investment and though it is generally made to be durable and outlast unfavorable place and weather condition, it must be taken cared well. Brand new tents usually have a manual with a guideline on how to manage and maintain them. But here are some common tips or guide on how to prolong the life of your custom tent.
Cleaning is one best way to keep your custom tent in a good condition. It is highly recommendable to clean a tent every after using it. Avoid delaying this because more likely cleaning the tent may be forgotten completely if not done immediately. Since a tent is a huge item cleaning this is easier done outside the house or in a lawn so that you’ll have more space. The tent can be laid flat on a ground so that it is easy to sweep or vacuum. Wash the tent by hosing or giving it a light shower, turning its pockets inside-out, and spray with water. When washing it is done shake the water off.
But be sure that the weather is favorable or sunny so that if the tent is washed it can easily dry. And the sooner a tent is dried the sooner it can be packed back in its bag. The tent can be laid flat on the ground to dry it or it can be hung on a clothes line or on an elevated bush or a tree. Once the custom tent is completely dry, it can now be packed back again.

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by: The Flagman