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Monday, February 23, 2015
When playing with a cornhole bag, you have to practice on your accuracy and technique. There are actually several styles to learn and you will find that a few will work best according to your body type and personal choice. Some throws will provide you with certain arcs while others will add more accuracy. Talk to experienced cornhole gamers to get some tips on how to exercise your arm for the toss. Some will intend for the cornhole bag to slide down the board to hit the hole perfectly. Others will spend countless hours practicing for an actual game.
Throwing a cornhole bag at a very high arch will cause the bag to drop low and stick on the board. The goal is to toss the bag directly at the cornhole board and score anywhere between one and three points.
Tossing a cornhole bag with a lower arch will cause the bag to slide. Some people like the technique because it helps with accuracy. You can try a variety of arcs until you find the right one that works for you. Keep on practicing with friends and expert gamers to learn new techniques and improve your form. Use the standard bag and board sizes so you do not have to adjust during the real game. Through the years, players have changed their styles while others also added new tossing techniques. The important thing is to maintain accuracy throughout and hit the target where you will score the most points for the team.

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by: The Flagman