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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
As a child growing up in California, I have always been fascinated with the Statue of Liberty. In fact I had made countless sketches of My Lady based on photographs from textbooks and tourist flyers. I also know that the statue is a gift of the people of France to the citizens of the United States and that the construction of the Statue was a marvel at the time, since all the parts were pre-fabricated, brought to the site in crates and dutifully assembled.

I was twelve when my Mom asked me to join her in the trip to New York. Imagine my luck, since I was promised a visit to the famous Lady at the New York harbor. This will be the time to really grasp at the significance of the Statue as mentioned in the books.

On the very special day, we took the subway to Battery Park in Manhattan and boarded the ferry through reserve tickets we purchased a day earlier from the Internet. And true to my assessment, the Lady looks so serene, its beauty unparalleled, not a thing in the world could duplicate or even equal it in stature.

But what really amazes me was the method used to construct the Statue as could be gleamed inside, since our pass includes a visit to the inner sanctum of the Lady of the Harbor. I am inquisitive by nature, but the trip answered all the questions that had stayed idle in my mind.

Then when its time to go, we passed by the souvenir shop and brought dozens of My Lady custom miniature flags as gift to my friends.

by: The Flagman