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Thursday, September 4, 2008
I'm always looking forward for Friday nights alone in my condo because I like to catch-up on my movies. I purposely brought a 46inch LCD TV and blu-ray DVD simply for the thrill of seeing the most important movies come alive in cool colors and seemingly striking contrasts.

Just a few minutes ago, I went into the Blockbuster video shop to look for movies that should accompany me for the weekend. But going into a video store is no joke, because you are privy to thousands of movie titles in its shelves. As I don't like romantic movies, I went straight to hardcore action movies, had a peep on something patriotic, one light comedy and finally cartoons.

But as I have said, selecting the type of movie is not as easy as it seems because when I was at the stalls for action, my eye caught on a message flag with the American flag of the "Flags of our Fathers," and ended up getting one. Then as I moved to the corner, the Old Glory with Harrison Ford on the poster of "Air Force One," a reprint no less but I had to take as part of my collection.

Then my stomach started grumbling and I have to get a bite, luckily a KFC food chain was just across the street and I took my dinner there. Since I only had two movies in my position so far, I did come back for more.

Entering the video store once again, the large poster of "General Patton" with the American flag strikes you, though this has been a movie of the 70's, it generated a lot of attention that its reissues are selling like hotcakes.

by: The Flagman