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Thursday, February 26, 2009
I wonder what our country's flag is called. Or should flag names ever become essential, I wonder what ours is going to be. The United Kingdom has union jack, the United States of America has the star spangled banner or is that just their anthem?

My nephew's just learning to work with crayons and coloring materials and I was fascinated at how great he was with colors. He drew the union jack with colors blue and red and I must say he did a pretty good job. I remember being in preschool eons ago and we were always asked to make a miniature flag of whatever nation for the United Nation's Day. I always crafted - you guessed it - Japan's for reasons extremely obvious. And even that hardly seemed like a good job for a preschooler. I sucked at art class.

Anyway, today is a pretty boring day. I went to school, sat around and went straight home. I lay around in my puny bunk bed for a while and started the rest of my day. I read the book I had been reading time and again for three years now I practically memorized everything already. After chuckling from time to time, I decided to write. Light materials like that make me want to be a writer too, though I don't see how that would be possible. My imagination and wit, like myself in art class, suck.

I flinched when someone came knocking on my door, asking me to come eat dinner. I decided to come along since my stomach was making odd sounds already. A basketball game was on tonight so I watched. My team got the beating. And right now, there is nothing left to do but sleep. But I do not want to doze off right now. Not yet. I'm not done with something I should be doing; something that would please me in the end. Never mind if I should be up so early Saturday morning doing something that's totally pointless. If only I had a choice, if only I had a choice.

by: The Flagman