Family reunions are great places to be when they are pulled off impressively. Of course, it is a big event and events that involve bringing a lot of SPECIFIC people together can cause the event manager a lot of undue stress. Sure, technology helps in keeping things on the right track but there's nothing like knowing the basics of organizing a rocking family reunion.
Plan early. Nothing beats foresight in events management. You should come up with a list of the things you need for the event and conceptualize in rich detail how exactly the event is intended to unfold. This rule comes in handy in keeping order and consistency in the planning. Then hand out the invitations and advertisements. To find lost relatives, spread street banners over the city or country!
Have a focal event. Just like the couple's first dance on a wedding reception or the blowing of candles at a posh birthday celebration, the family reunion should also have a focal event. It is advised to use things which are of interest with the family. If you're into singing, have a karaoke night. If you're a family of doctors then have a silly parlor game that doctors can appreciate. This event should be something that keeps boredom away, as that is the enemy of ANY coordinated event.
Feel the exclusivity. As what was mentioned in the earlier paragraph, SPECIFIC people are supposed to come. Make the party exclusive to ONLY RELATIVES and extract your theme from there. Have a local dish that all of you love, have a custom made family crest flag hanging by the gate, have a communal T shirt design and distribute them early so that everybody can wear them on the party.