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Monday, October 5, 2009
There are a lot of international laws which are strictly upheld in every country. One of the examples for such laws is the International Declaration of Human Rights. Such rights were agreed upon by a league of nations (now presently called the United Nations) and since then, anyone who violated such laws where put to jail and was internationally frowned upon.

Lately, more and more laws which concern safety and business have been agreed upon by the United Nations. However, we all know that not all of these laws are really monitored and not everyone who was guilty was punished. So, are the laws nothing but merely political yapping?
See, even if the 189 Member Complete UN Set flag continues to stand proudly in some parts of the world, if we are not keeping our promises to each other, a lot of political turmoil will eventually ensue.

All over the world, we know of cases of child labor, prostitution, domestic violence and even smuggling of illegal goods. A lot of complaints have been filed already. However, the world is turning a blind eye upon such phenomena because other politicians are behind such crimes, or, simply, they think they have other more important things to pay their concerns to.
Therefore, such internationally agreed laws are nothing but positive messages to the international community, blatant promises, which fail to be upheld. I am praying that a world leader will come forward to start keeping the promises strictly before more danger flags in humanity come forth.

by: The Flagman