Monday, November 30, 2009
Getting lost is a very trying experience. It tests everything from your physical condition to your latent mental condition. However, if you know how to survive and if you know what to do to get to the safe point, then your overall chances of survival will increase.
The first thing to do if you get lost is to think about how to get spotted by other people. The problem isn't with the method of being seen. Often, it is easy to grab the attention of another person by using noise, attention flags, beacons, or even movement. The problem is that people are rarely around the area where you get lost in. this means that you have to get to a place where you know there are people. The only way to effectively do this is to know which direction to go toward civilization.
The most difficult scenario would have to be getting lost at sea. This is because you really don't have control over your movement. Furthermore, the probability that someone would pass by is actually very low. However, if you just hold on to something that floats and if you carry around something that will make it easier for you to get spotted, you'll eventually make it through. That's one of the reasons why boats have custom flags on them. They want to make it easier for search parties to track movement. This means that if you get stranded on your boat, then you'll probably have the highest possible chance of survival since you will most likely have some supplies on board.
by: The Flagman
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Business is a relatively difficult concept. After all, you do have to think about a lot of things and at the same time balance them all out so you can be efficient at what you want to do. Sometimes, it just fails because you aren't that noticeable with the prospective market. The solution is simple: advertise.
Advertising is something that is crucial in the business endeavor. However, the good ideas are often the costly ones. This is because they might require so much props or movement that it just sucks up all the money. There is a way to lessen costs: come up with nice ideas that require minimal maintenance. You can actually use street banners in order to get the job done. You can have your logo or our slogan or even a promo statement printed on one so that you can advertise cost-effectively. This is because that is what street banners are designed to be: to grab the attention of people who pass by.
If it doesn't work out, you can also use attention flags around your business. This is because these flags usually grab the attention of other people even if they aren't already passing by. The point is that they can see these flags from a long way off because they are designed for that purpose. You can choose whatever color you want to put there as long as you know that you can see the flags from a distance with that color. The easy part about using this method is that you can see the difference for yourself.
by: The Flagman
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Nations all around the world rely on one symbol that would inspire their citizens to believe in their nation. They also rely on that element to remind people of the community that they belong to no matter what happens to them. They rely on their flags.
People around the world are fickle when it comes to almost anything under the sun. However, they do recognize a few constants that must be followed under strict observance. This being the case, they value their flags beyond a few of the more generic basics that life offers. This means that they look at their flags as some of the constants in life. This is because they identify themselves with it so much that they find themselves attached to the symbols and the history represented by them. This is also because these world flags differ from each other. Even if some flags may be similar to each other in terms of color or pattern, these subtle differences represent entirely different concepts and histories.
The use of flags that represent more than a single person is a strong political statement. People use different flags depending on the situation that they are in. If you are participating in a revolution, you might need a flag to rally the revolutionaries and to send a message to the opponent. This in turn makes your cause known to everyone who sees your flag. Even international organizations use their own world flags as symbols relating to the cause of their existence.
by: The Flagman
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
During the colonial era, warfare took on a logical and orderly form. Soldiers followed a set of rules that allowed them to fight with honor and with dignity. This was a time of extreme courage and steadfast loyalty to the different causes that served as catalysts for the wars of that time.
Each unit was assigned one very important figure: the flag bearer. This person was to work with the drum and trumpet band within the unit in so far as giving orders and maintaining morale is concerned. The flag bearer brought along a flag symbolizing the faction that the unit is fighting for as well as the principles that the faction stands for. The flag bearer is not unarmed and harmless as well. This is because the flagpole itself is a spear. Should the unit's lines break under a charge, the sight of the flag bearer fighting back would bring back some of the lost morale to the rest of the unit. This helped them reform their lines and counterattack.
These days, the different units of the modern army still retain the use of flags. The only difference is that they do not bring their flagpoles to battle. They mount their unit and faction flags during formal ceremonies but they have their flags sown into their uniforms as patches. This reduces the overall weight and therefore increases the overall mobility of the soldiers in battle. This shows that even today the flag serves an important role in the battles that our soldiers fight. They may not carry them into battle like the flag bearers of old, but they preserve the use of their flags in the most honorable of ceremonies.
by: The Flagman
Monday, November 23, 2009
There are numerous accounts of people rallying under an influential person or an influential idea. There were even accounts of people rallying under both. However, the most common aspect of all these people rallying under anything would be the presence of a flag in those times.
Most of the movements in human history occurred because of a change of mindset. This could have happened because of oppressive conditions or simply just a deviation from the mainstream. They have had leaders and followers and even a hierarchy for their command system. The most apparent common denominator found in these events would have to be the presence of a world flag in those factions. This is because there was a need to retain the interest of the people. Without something to rally under, their morale would simply crumble away and they would ultimately fail in their pursuit of change.
The world flag is important because it focuses the attention of the people who rally under it. Their causes are compressed into one big statement that drives them to pursue them incessantly. This means that without their flags, they may not have succeeded in their endeavors and the world as we know it might be entirely different. However, their flags are only as important as the people who follow them. After all, if the people think it is a lost cause, then the flag might hold very little importance and might even be useless in terms of holding them together. The people must also find the cause important if they are to look upon their flag as integral to their well being.
by: The Flagman
Thursday, November 19, 2009
People remember things in different ways. Maybe they remember things because of a certain symbol, or a certain shape, or maybe even a certain shade of color. This could be because we attribute that to something that happened in the past and something that could have meant a lot about the way we turned out to be.
Some relationships we have had might have incorporated some kind of symbol in order to be more manifest than we normally see it to be. Especially tight romantic relationships are often symbolized by rings or something else that connotes eternity. However, relatively simpler relationships actually draw from certain crests or symbols or maybe even colors. That could be why people remember a lot of things when they see a custom flag that probably has that kind of color in it. And that is when it all falls on how we remember it.
The thing is, we often remember these things only after we lose them. That isn't even how we want to remember them. So, the best way to get around this is to train yourself to remember things while they are still there. You do this by using the already assigned symbols and images to remember what you need to remember. For starters, it would be easy to remember something on the way to work. You may actually pass by a dozen or so corporate logo flags on the way and you can assign an objective to a color on one of them or a symbol on one of them. This makes things easier to remember and easier to deal with.
by: The Flagman
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Heroes aren't born with all the qualities that they have when they gained the title of hero. They also weren't born with their destiny written in the stars and bestowed with divine tasks. They acquire these along with other qualities that truly make them people who defended their causes to the bittersweet end.
The deaths of these heroes are often more celebrated than their lives. This is because it is only during their deaths that people realize they lost something so valuable that the loss changed their situation drastically. They honor these heroes during their deaths by first presenting their world flag to the families of their heroes. This is because it is one of the most important symbols of the nation that has influenced the people who fought and died under their nation. This is also because it serves as a reminder to the families of the heroes of what they fought for and what they have achieved.
Furthermore, the world flags all over the nation are flown at half-mast. This is because it signifies the mourning for a very important person. In truth, it is mourning for an irreplaceable person who changed the course of history by his or her actions and therefore should be honored by the general public. However, not all people who die for a cause are honored this way. This is because the cause determines whether the person will be remembered as a hero by the public or not. After all, not everyone remembers Joseph Stalin or Mao Tse-Tung as heroes.
by: The Flagman
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Decorating your area couldn't be easier if you just know what theme you want to dominate that area. This means that you have to make sure that the theme matches with the environment you will be living in. For example: you can't have a nice country house if you live somewhere in the city. This is especially true if you live somewhere near the beach. The first thing you have to consider would be the space outside your house. After all, this is the first thing that people will notice when they pass by or before they enter the premises. This is where you have to make sure that you send the right message. You don't want to appear to gaudy or too soft. You want to appear relaxed, and on vacation. You'll want to use blank flags to line your driveway or the perimeter of your front yard. You'll also want to avoid dark colors in order to appear festive. Use bright colors that anyone can associate with having a good day at the beach resort. The next thing you have to do is to check the way things are laid out in your yard. Make sure that at least a small part can mimic the beach environment. This way, it appears as if you really are in a beach. This means that you can use sand or a series of torches jutting out to mimic a tropical atmosphere. You might also want to check out the color of the paint you use for your house itself. After all, you don't want it to appear out of place. You might also want to let a nautical flag or two jut out of the front doorway or somewhere near the top of the house. This way, you draw attention to it and then let it blend in with the front yard.
by: The Flagman
Monday, November 16, 2009
I've been on a few trail hikes before. I knew my way around the woods and how to deal with different conditions in the woods. I thought I was invincible. However, there was one expedition that brought me back to the harsh reality that I am as fragile as anyone is when they venture into unknown territory. My friends and I planned to go hiking one weekend. We made the necessary preparations and even carried some extra emergency supplies as we knew that this was not one of the regular routes that we took when we wanted to go have some adventures. We packed some signal flags, flashlights, food, water, and walkie-talkies. We planned to go in pairs and to always be within earshot. These basics somehow slipped my mind as I was in a hurry to break away from the group to answer nature's call behind a bush. Things happened so fast that I suddenly realized that I couldn't hear them anymore. I knew that I was in trouble because I couldn't see their tracks. I slowly made my way back to where I thought I split off from them but it seemed that they pushed on without me. I pulled out my signal flag and held it high hoping that its bright color could be seen through the dense woods. I moved in the direction I though was toward higher ground and waited on a hill. In a few hours, they found me and said that the first thing they saw was my emergency signal flag.
by: The Flagman
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Military strategists have been using various techniques that help them win a battle with losing as little men as possible. Throughout the ages, they ruled out that an organized unit has an exponentially greater chance of survival if it remains organized and if it receives orders in real time. This means that they have to make communications as effective as possible. They came up with a way of using sticks, leaves, hand signals, and even flags to achieve these ends. Before the industrial revolution, commanders had trouble with relaying distance and location from their scouts to their artillery positions. This meant that their support units had trouble with accuracy and could hit their own units in the middle of the battle. However, they started using various methods. One such method would be the use of flags to convey specific messages about the enemy's position and their friendly troops so that they could be more efficient. They even came up with specific ways to wave them in order to send more complex messages that improved their overall efficiency. This was not only for artillery spotters. This was also for the common foot soldiers that had to fight far from the general. Infantry battalions often received their orders from bugles and trumpets blown from across the battlefield. However, in the chaos of battle, they found it suitable to use the same method that artillery spotters used. From that point on, they could be relayed orders from longer distances and thus keep them orderly despite the obstacle that space dictates.
by: The Flagman
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take part of the countless historical battles that raged across Europe during the middle ages? Or maybe you may have wondered what it would be like to be the entrusted soldier to carry the eagle standard for the roman legion. Enthusiasts have been collecting a lot of different things that have something to do with that timeline. Some may have even gone to historical sites just to satisfy that craving.
The good thing about the old battles is that they have so many things that they carry around just to make them look good while fighting. They carry gleaming shields with their kingdom's insignia, flags that separate departments, and other things that could improve their chances of winning in organized combat. Furthermore, they move in an orderly manner that increases their chances of survival. For collectors, this means a lot of good things.
First, it means that they have a variety of objects to choose from to collect. This enables them to have a wide array of collectibles that could make any general from those times proud. Second, the objects are likely lying around waiting to be excavated close to each other. Collectors wouldn't have to look far and wide to find a shield to pair a sword with. Finally, the sides that are fighting have different insignias inscribed on weapons and printed on flags. This ensures the diversity of the items that can be taken out of the earth and then put into glass display cases that show people how it was back then.
by: The Flagman
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The United States of America has a rich history full of interesting details about their culture and the origins of their political systems. However, it is quite difficult to pay attention to history class. And quite difficult to maintain interest in huge books full of dust and dust mites.
There is an easy way around that if you want to learn about the American society. All you have to do is to learn about the American flag. This is because a great deal of historical and cultural detail is compressed in an honored and revered piece of cloth. It is a much better alternative to picking up really big book because all you need is to pick up leaflets and read all about the flag. Or, you could browse the net and find the important pieces of information there.
Understanding the American flag is a quick way to understand the people there. This is because the flag is actually a very important cultural symbol that the people follow. In this sense, people identify themselves with it. This means that the flag becomes a big part of their lives and thus a big part of their way of life. You may find some parts of their way of life difficult to understand if you don't understand their history. After all, the flag is a reflection of the principles that they value and therefore the foundations of their society. It truly is a self-contained library about the history of the whole of the United States of America.
by: The Flagman
Monday, November 9, 2009
Golf is a sport that involves extreme levels of precision and accuracy. These are not skills that only the players need to master. Rather, they are skills that the manufacturers and the golf course managers need in order to make the game as good as possible. If you think that the players have a hard time figuring out the wind speed and direction so that they could make that perfect swing, wait until you get a look at the manager's life.
The managers of golf courses are extremely meticulous. This is because they have to see that everything is right from the grass in the fairway, to the grass in the green, and even to the golf flags that they use. After all, without these key factors, players might not want to return to the course because they didn't have a good time.
These factors are more important than you think. The grass is an important factor for managers to consider. This is because it greatly affects the speed, trajectory, and direction of the ball that the player hits. If they fail to understand grass, the hit won't mean much. Moreover, the golf flags are just as important. Most of the time, they're the ones that point out the direction of the course. Since the rounds of golf are distant stretches of grass, it would be quite impossible to see the target hole without a flag that marks it. This means that players might overshoot the target or they might miss it entirely.
by: The Flagman
Thursday, November 5, 2009
If you've got some flags lying around at home, you might as well make use of them. After all, you may just be lacking the one thing that completes their purpose: the flagpole. These poles aren't hard to find. They're simply there for the taking.
Flagpoles are very versatile. They come in all shapes and sizes in order to cater to different needs. The slim ones are mainly used for golf flags and other flags that don't need heavy duty resistance to the elements. These poles can be easily replaced as they don't have to be dug in and held fast in the environment they were meant to be used in. However, the thick ones are built to last as they need to be dug in deep in order to raise the flag high above our heads. It isn't that hard to figure out what kind of flagpole you want to use as long as you know what you're using it for.
The only problem with flagpoles is that they're finicky. They aren't built for every environment in mind. However, there are specific types of flagpoles that cater to the different environments that they're to be used in. For example: you can't simply use a steel flagpole on a yacht. It's too heavy for the vessel. Furthermore, it corrodes easily since it will be exposed to a lot of moisture and a lot of salt in the air. This means that you have to find a flagpole of another material.
In the yacht scenario, it may be wise to use a fiberglass flagpole. On the other hand, some poles are made of plastic and other materials. This is because they are meant to be used lightly mainly as marker posts or as decorative items.
by: The Flagman
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I've been to a few places in and out of my country. The first thing I noticed is that in every city, there's a community made up of people from a different country. There's Chinese communities, Indian communities, Filipino communities, and other non-Asian nationalities. Another curious thing is that they display their respective flags in certain places of honor. This is the wonder of world flags.
In communities like those, the people there may have spent a long time away from their country. Furthermore, they already live in a place where the culture is different. In that scenario, they often have episodes of homesickness and other things that show how much they miss their home countries. This is especially true if they want to practice their culture in a place with a different culture. The reason why they let their flags fly in those communities is because they want to remember what it was like to be in their home country. They give it the honor it deserves by respecting their ties to their motherland.
World flags also say something about the way they want to cultivate their way of life. Just by setting them up shows how much they want to spread their culture. They also want to recreate the cultural environment of their home country. This means that they want to preserve their ties to their nation across the generations in that community. After all, they brought their culture into another country. They wouldn't want it to be diminished after a few generations, would they?
by: The Flagman
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The American flag is one of the most famous flags in the world. Almost everyone knows what it looks like. However, few actually know what the stars and the stripes mean and how it actually came to be. The flag first came to be during the American Revolution. At this time, there were only a few stars as the stars represent the states that are part of the union. As time passed, more states joined in and the number of stars increased to 50. The latest state to join the union was Alaska.
The stripes in the flag represent the first or the original thirteen colonies that rebelled against the British monarchy during the revolution. These colonies were the Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island.
As with all flags, there are rules as to how to display and how to treat the flag. For example, the flag is not to be dipped to any person or object unless it is a response to a salute from a foreign ship. Another thing is that the flag's edges should never touch the ground. This is viewed as a sign of respect.
Furthermore, if the flag is to be flown at night, it should be illuminated in order to give it honor. There are also particular days of the year that the American flag should be displayed at full staff. This is because the flag may play a vital role for those days.
by: The Flagman
Monday, November 2, 2009
You may have the flag, you may also have the location for the flag, but you need a flagpole to get the job done. This is the final step in advertising your flag.
In any activity that involves flags, you need flagpoles to get people to fully appreciate your flag. These poles are designed to really bring out the best in your flag. They come in all designs and sizes that fit any purpose that you have in mind. After all, in the advertising world, what good will your flag do if it isn't raised high enough to get noticed?
The main purpose of these poles is to not only raise your flags, but to compliment it by drawing attention first to itself and then to the flag attached to its peak. Therefore, it serves as a focal point of attention that, if put in the right place, will undoubtedly create a positive image of what you want people to see.
Choosing the right flagpole for the job is all a matter of efficiency. For example: the rope systems should match the amount of effort you want to invest in raising and lowering your flag and even the amount of care you want for your ropes. Moreover, you'll want to check out the way the flagpole is designed so that it doesn't conflict with the purpose that you got it for. If you're advertising something mellow or smooth, then you might not want to consider taking the more gaudy designs and just settle for the simple ones.
by: The Flagman