Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
When you take a trip into the wild side of nature, you have to do so prepared. This means that you need to bring everything that you might need during emergency situations. However, not all situations will be in your favor. Some of those situations will leave you empty-handed. This is especially true if you've been lost for quite some time. When you run out of supplies, you need to keep looking for a way out. And you need to find things that you can eat right off the environment.

To do this, you need to look out for the warning signs of nature. Bright colors like orange, violet, yellow, and red are danger flags. This is especially true if they are on living creatures. These colors mean that that particular creature or plant is poisonous. Eating them may be life-threatening.

Looking for a way out of the danger zone isn't everything that you should do. You also have to locate potential areas where a rescue can happen. These are usually in clearings or in areas that stand out. This means that you might have to get to high ground in order to be seen. And since rescue patrols might use helicopters so scour the area, you might want to get noticed by them. This is when you can bring out your other survival gear that will help you get noticed. These objects can include blank flags and strobe lights so that anyone from above can easily spot you. Once you get spotted, the rescue should happen any time soon.

by: The Flagman