You might be familiar with the fact that children find it very challenging to handle fractions. If you're a parent, you might tend to be anxious a lot about the thought and try to find ways for your child to better manage the problem. Teaching your kids how to handle fractions can be done in an easy manner, plus you get to enjoy your time together. You can use
personalized flags to accomplish everything by having your kids create their own flags partnered with fractions. To create the guides, you have to get some coloring tools and sheets of paper.
Begin by setting the base of the flag by folding the paper into 24 even squares, forming a 6 x 4 pattern. The longer side of the paper should have produced 6 squares, while the shorter side should have made 4 squares. Try to fold another sheet of paper the same way and use the previous one for practice. For color, you can use waterproof paints or poster paints. Spread out newspapers on the whole area for the flag making activity to keep it protected against spills and clutter.
Provide a set of rules for your children to follow regarding the format of the fraction, together with the proper colors to match. When making the flag, ask your child to color 1/2 red and the other 1/2 blue. Allow the child to use the materials to color and monitor accordingly. For added effect, let your child mix colors. Once everything is finished, show your child his mistakes if he colored some parts of the squares wrong. The flag will then function as a tool for your fraction lesson.
You can teach your children fractions in this very convenient way as
personalized flags will help you share information and quick lessons to your children.
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The Flagman