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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Thursday, September 18, 2014
The American flag is a strong representation of the country. It is a simple yet very influential image that waving and displaying it is not limited to flag poles located at important building and structures of a country. In fact, the flag is seen on other things such as shirts, mats, handkerchiefs, and many more whether for personal, official or business use.
There are franchised businesses or companies that put the American flag on their work vehicles. Aside that including the American flag in their vehicle design adds branding presence and professionalism, it has a patriotic significance for some companies.
The flag can imply the American dream – a dream of chance, success and freedom. The American flag is also a symbol of power and strength. Companies put the image of the flag in their work vehicles for a chance to show relatedness or relevance of the business’ brand to the image of America. The image adds the feeling of patriotism and unity. It is like being part of the military and navy that gives a feeling of contributing to the strength, hard work and success of the country.

In addition, adding the American flag to franchised work vehicles can help build rapport to prospect customers. This help build ease to customers that links the good image of America to the brand of the business. It adds ease and confidence of customers to patronize the brand as much as how citizens of America trust the country. Other than for patriotic reasons, the American flag on a vehicle can help boost the brand presence of any franchised business.

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by: The Flagman