Based on the official proclamation that established the Brazilian flag, the colors were maintained to remind people of the big acts of the past that led to the independence of the country.
Many believe that the green and yellow tones on the flag represent many of the country’s natural riches such as its gold, land, forests and minerals. The blue color stands for the blue sky while the stars represent the states of the nation. The stars are placed within the blue circle to let others remember the blue sky of the great city of Rio de Janeiro. On November 15, 1889, at about 8:30 a.m. the republic officially established the Brazilian banner.
All the stars on the banner stand for each of the federal states of the nation. The stars are available in five sizes actually. They are also grouped into nine sets. The South Cross is placed in the middle of the blue circle so it stays visible from every state of Brazil.
On November 19 of each year, the people celebrate Flag Day. During that time, the banner is raised in the middle of the day and lit up throughout the night. People spend time to appreciate the flag and show their respect. The Brazilian flag also comes with its own anthem. Olavo Bilac is said to have composed the music by Francisco Braga. The official anthem of the country was featured initially in 1906.
The country flag can be used in various ways. There are many official functions that the head of the country as well as diplomats attend so they bring the flag with them as representation. These are also used in front of government buildings and other official institutions. The flag is raised by soldiers and other official envoys.
Labels: Brazilian flag, custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag
The Flagman