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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Friday, September 5, 2014
Among the first individuals to showcase the initial forms of martial arts are Japanese farmers. Initially, they had to use farm equipment and practice defending themselves by hand. Over the years, new techniques were introduced and taught to their children. The practice was passed on through generations and between nations.
In 1935, there were drawings found on the walls of a royal tomb in Korea, featuring people in close combat without the use of any weapon. The drawings were believed to have been made between 3 and 427 AD. At that period, hand-to-hand combat was taught in military camps although there were a few individuals who practiced privately for tournaments and contests at villages. The Buddhist monks began to introduce their own form of martial arts which was embraced by hundreds.
Subsequently, Korea deemed close combat by hand illegal but many masters still taught their students and passed the technique to other countries like China and Japan. At present, martial arts are again allowed in Korea.
Korea’s form of martial arts was influenced by other countries but they also have their own original versions. Korean martial arts is unique compared to the Chinese and Japanese form.

If you enter a Korean martial arts training center or dojang, you will discover at least one custom flag hanging at the entrance or on a big wall. Masters and students bow to the flag before starting their training session as a form of respect to the tradition. Other flags are also featured inside the center depending on the techniques taught.

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by: The Flagman