Puebla is one of the most frequented cities in Mexico because of its rich culture and architectural sites. Because the Spanish used to stay in the area for several years, there are several features that are still reminiscent of the time when the Spanish crown was dominant. Puebla is visited by thousands of visitors every year who wish to witness the colonial structures and breathtaking landscapes. There are temples, historic buildings and natural wonders around the place that will thrill tourists. Puebla is actually near the capital city, Mexico City. Guests will come from various airports to get to Puebla. Usually they will travel by bus or taxi to get to the city.
The most common way to reach Puebla is by bus. Tourists will arrive in one of two terminals namely Centro de Autobuses Puebla or CAPU or Estrella Roja’s 4 Poniente. If you wish to go around the city, take a bus or taxi.
Guests can also choose a hotel of their liking in Puebla. There are old and new hotels around, complete with amenities that will suit your personal preferences and budget. Foreigners do not have a problem finding a place to stay when coming to the city.
The history of Puebla is very rich. You can visit the City Center or Zocalo, Fuerte de Guadalupe, Fuerte de Loreto, Templo de Santo Domingo, Templo de San Francisco, Palafoxian Library and Los Fuertes. There are old temples and government buildings with great stories behind them. Join a local tour and get the details from an expert guide.Labels: advertising flag, custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag, Mexican flag
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