Some people make mistakes when displaying their flags because they have not read the rules and guidelines on how these should be set up. Some students set up a school flag in front of their homes but the homeowners group will advise them to take it down because it violates certain rules and codes. Some residential places actually prohibit people from displaying any type of flag, even a school flag, in front of a house.
Civil Code Section 1353.6 is the governing law over non-commercial flags, banners, signs and posters. The law provides that non-commercial flags, posters and banners cannot be stopped by associations from being displayed unless these contain symbols and images that are contrary to law or pose a threat to other people. The signs and posters should measure up to nine square feet only while banners and non-commercial flags should be no bigger than 15 square feet.
Some associations will allow you to display a school flag in front of your home if it is smaller than 15 square feet. These associations are aware of the law and policies.
Some laws also protect those who wish to display the American flag. Civil Code Section 1353.5 allows the displaying of the United States flag. The California state flag, however, cannot be displayed just anywhere, according to Civil Code 1353.6, which provides for the rule on the setting up of non-commercial signs.
Signs that indicate the sale or lease of property cannot be fully prohibited. Civil Code Section 712 to 713 provides for the restrictions in displaying these. The size and contents are controlled.Labels: advertising flag, custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag, custom school flag
The Flagman