Collecting flags has become a favorite pastime for many people. It is not as common as collecting stamps and coins but you will surely find the practice fulfilling.
Vexillology is described as the study of flags. Before people started using the internet to get information, collecting was very challenging. Regardless of the items that you collect, there are always great sources for acquiring these. Stamps are quite easy to collect because every town has a postal service office. Coins are also quite easy because these are always available, although you need to travel more to get foreign coins. Before, flags were more challenging because of the large size and rarity of quality makers. Some nations might not easily send their flags to other countries except miniature ones. World flags, however, have become more easy to acquire because of the emergence of the internet.
You will find various flags in different sizes and materials. Each is also referred to differently. Know more about the right terms when dealing with these banners.
The pole holding up the flag is known as a flagstaff or flagpole. The hoist is known as the edge of the flag which is right next to the flagstaff. The hoist is also known as the vertical width of the banner. The fly is the end across the hoist. It can also refer to the horizontal length of the flag. The field is the background tone of the flag. The charge refers to the signs, symbols, figures, words and other emblems found on the banner.Labels: custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag, flagpole, world flag
The Flagman