When you look around, do you feel that you are placed in a position higher or lower than the people next to you? It's funny because there are some people who try to impose upon us that they're better or that we're less than them. This can be seen everywhere. For example, there are times when you get laughed at for listening to a certain type of music or watching a certain type of TV show. And for extremities, other people ridicule depending on the clothes that they wear or the nationality they represent. Should the American flag cover and crumple others?
Discrimination is everywhere. It's in our schools, our communities even our homes. Everyday we are subject to it whether subtle or explicit. Some people like to believe they are normal people with normal jobs and anyone who's different from them isn't. What would we tell them when they see people less than them? Should we stick around and do nothing? It has been said that for evil to succeed it is enough for good people to do nothing. It's sad that these 'good people' not only work in apathy, but many even add to the fray.
Is X greater than Y? Maybe not always but of course, X and Y are never equal. Who is greater shouldn't be an issue. If you're from another country and you see the American Flag, you think of how America seems to be better than everyone else. And if you do that to yourself, then it is not America that is at fault. Same goes for Americans looking at other countries as different. Seeing a Chinese flag and thinking of cheap underpaid laborers instead of a rich cultural heritage is no worse than thinking badly of a friend or neighbor that has been there ever since.