There are many variations of the flags that we see on school flagpoles and such. There are banners, streamers, and feather flags. As the name suggests, feather flags are lightweight in design and are easier to setup, usually just requiring light materials even for the mounting. They are a bit more exaggerated in terms of length or height simply because they are made to attract more attention than their regular full sized flag counterparts.
With the extra surface area, and the extra lightness of the fabric used for these, they are more easily affected by wind changes, making them sway more frantically and therefore able to catch more attention. This is especially great for advertising and marketing since the first rule of having a potentially good market is by seeing that the attention is garnered.
Easily set up and put down, there are in fact portable. This is a good thing since they may be moved around the place where there is the most human traffic. This would translate to a more efficient means of information dissemination. And with more information dissemination dealt, it would translate to more people knowing what is up and about (provided by the information on the feather flag) and an increase in potential patronage and conclusively potential profit.
Their lightweight design also means that the materials used require less resource to manufacture, hence a cheaper and lower cost to acquire. This is a good deal for any investor by being able to save up on capital invested on advertising, thereby increasing the profit margin even if it is still to be realized. Custom flags are indeed a great deal for any businessman’s bang for the buck.Labels: custom flag, custom feather flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag
The Flagman