A funeral bunting flag is a great way to show respect as well as make a loved one’s funeral more presentable and memorable. Many people prepare these to show their love and affection for their dearly departed.
Begin by sewing strips of cloth together with the other cut strips on a string. Make sure you provide half-inch gaps between seams. The sides of the final panel must be hemmed and the ends folded just under the one-fourth-inch mark. Begin sewing seam where the fold is to attach the ends together.
Put the panel on an ironing board then apply pressure on the seams to keep these flat. The right side can also be put up by flipping the panel over to the side. The panel will then be divided into equal portions to be positioned and sewn. The length and width should be proportional and symmetrical. The panel generally measures 45 inches wide. Every portion will then measure about five inches.
Create sharp folds next by spraying on the panels. One side of the funeral bunting flags must be folded so you get a space measuring about five inches. Creases can be made with the aid of an iron. Fold the panel back to the other side then keep folding until you reach the end. You will notice how the creases will form.
Put the layers to the first position then determine if you wish to keep the folded fans together or separated. Make it an interesting activity for family and young ones at the funeral. Place needle then insert the threads so you can put together the folding fans then achieve the attractive outcome.
Labels: bunting flag, custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag
The Flagman