Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Different people call the national flag a variety of names such as “Stars and Stripes” and “The Old Glory”. You will find that every state also has its own banner and the State flags together represent all fifty. Every state flag has its own special background and symbols indicative of the trials that its forefathers went through.

When it comes to hierarchy, the state flags are second to the national flag of America. The American national banner is found in various government offices and is also raised at global events. The state flags stand for the standards, ideas and objectives of each state.

There are 50 stars in all on the American flag, representing each of the 50 states. For almost 20 years, only 13 stars were found on theU.S. flag because there were only very few independent states. As new states were added to the group, the stars on the banner also grew in number. Now the stars stand for every state. The states also made their own banner which they tend to bring whenever they have special events and meets.

The District of Columbia or Washington, D.C. has its state flag with three stars and two stripes. Puerto Rico also has its own state flag.

Many government groups in the United States boast of having their own service flags. Many times, these are placed on the stage and other venues to let others know what kind of organization they belong in.sometimes, the service flag of the Department of Defense is presented by families of soldiers sent overseas in times of war.

State flags can have different virtues behind these although the more common are unity and perseverance. During big events, you will find one or more state flags presented lower than the official banner.

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by: The Flagman