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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Friday, September 26, 2014
It was on February 12, 1812 that the flag of Argentina was born. Just like the rest of the world flags, it has a rectangular shape or its width is twice as its length. It is designed having three horizontal stripes with a white stripe between cerulean blue stripes. The three stripes was the idea of Manuel Belgrano, a leader during the Argentinean revolution against Spain. It took 4 years from the year the flag design was made when Argentina successfully gained its independence from Spain.
The meaning of the Argentine flag has different opposing views. There is a theory that says that the stripes symbolize the blue skies that are parted to show the white clouds which transpired during the time that the liberation demonstration started in Buenos Aires on May 25, 1810. Another theory says that the sky blue stripes symbolizes Rio de la Plata or the River of Silver, the widest river in the world, and that the white stripe symbolizes the Latin word ‘Argentum’ or metal silver where the country name is originated from. It was believed by the early explorers that Rio de la Plata bank is the place where there are plenty of silver hidden.

The sun at the center of the flag is called the ‘Sun of May’. This symbol was added in 1818. This replicates the engravings on the very first coin of Argentina in 1813. The sun is golden yellow with a face and consists thirty-two alternating wavy and straight sun rays.

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by: The Flagman