Some business owners are looking for ways to keep generating income throughout the year, which make gift certificates very valuable items. You can give these to potential customers and your best employees to bring in new people especially during special holidays.
December is considered by many as the busiest month of the year because of the Christmas season. People have more money to spend because of their holiday bonuses, which is why it is also the perfect time to give out gift certificates.
Some gift certificates can be sold at a lower price than the value given. For example, you might offer a gift card worth $100 for only $90 or less. You can also offer a gift certificate for free whenever they purchase gift certificates reaching a certain total. The strategy is to set the redemption period for the extra gift certificates during the months after Christmas. This is usually from January 1 to March 31, which is considered as the slump months for many businesses.
When you set the redemption period during these months, you can ensure that customers will keep coming in to avail of the promo. Even if they have less money to spend, people will prefer to visit your shop over others because of the gift certificates they are holding on to. It will be beneficial for your business instead of just waiting for the slow months to go by without much action.
The extra gift certificates may offer 10 percent discounts or a $20 bonus. Be creative and give these out to your potential clients.Labels: custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag, gift certificate
The Flagman