You will soon realize how gift certificates can continue bringing in huge income for your business despite the slow months. When customers come to claim their gift items, you can also introduce more things that they might be interested in. People who are redeeming gift certificates usually bring extra cash to purchase other items that they might like, since they will be getting the first items for free due to the gift card. You have to communicate to let them know your best offers.
Sometimes people are looking for compatible items. For example, when a customer uses his gift certificate to get a pair of earrings, she might also spend more for a necklace or ring to go well with these. You should offer the best matches and accessories to compliment gift items.
The gift certificate is also a good way for you to increase your network. Get the consent of each customer to be added to your mailing list. You can contact them again next time whenever you have new promos and product launches. Let them know about your best items and if there are other special offers that they might like to avail of.
The disadvantage in using gift certificates is that these usually include an expiration date. The expiry date usually lasts anywhere between a few months up to a full year. It will ensure that you only authentic gift cards back. Also place the unique certificate number to prevent counterfeited cards from being redeemed. The expiry date will compel people to visit your shop soon.Labels: custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag, gift certificate
The Flagman