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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Tuesday, June 2, 2015
There are plenty of bible verses which shares how prophets and saints used flags and banners to show their faith in God. A banner generally means something being raised or lifted up. It can also mean a symbol, signal, standard, sign, sail or standard. The item will fit properly with other terms like ribbons, poles, flags and masts. There are verses sharing how people in the bible would carry the official banner of their tribe to show their pride. There are also times when kings would raise the banner of God to strike fear in the hearts of their enemies. Some flags and banners are raised to show one’s joy for being a servant of the Lord. Some people would raise the anthem of God to share the message and to tell people to repent their sins and forget their evil ways. It is a way to let go of the old way of thinking and to follow God by doing good deeds and loving one another.

There are people appointed by God to spread his word and to let others know about the path to salvation. These can be done by putting up flags with special messages and symbols. Some of these may be present in front of churches, government buildings, schools and homes as a way of reminding others that God is always watching and waiting. Believers would sing and dance in front of the altar, carrying the special banners that they made themselves. These may come in different colors depending on the religious sector or denomination.

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by: The Flagman