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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Monday, July 20, 2015
Many people are proud about being American citizens. Several families present the American flag on their front lawn or backyard. During national holidays or Flag Day, people are fond of showcasing the national banner in different sizes. Some people might feature miniature flags and stickers on top of their cars and drive around town to share their patriotism to others. Others will post stickers and posters of the U.S. flag as well as talk about the great leaders of America’s past. The flags became more common during crisis such as September 11, 2001.
Custom flags can feature other special holidays like Independence Day or Veterans Day. People are reminded of the liberty that they enjoy all year long because of the brave acts of their ancestors. Others will present custom flags in front of their establishments and homes, featuring the Old Glory on their store front or windows. There are plenty of ways to share your sense of nationalism to others. Especially during difficult times, Americans need to come together and display flags to be united and provide strength to others.

During special holidays, you will find different vehicles showcasing American flags on top, such as trucks, cars and SUVs. These will especially spread the word to others as the vehicles go through town. Since the Second World War, Americans have practiced spreading their nationalism to young generations. Children also need to be educated about the values that flags carry and what these represent. They too, can share the word to others.

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by: The Flagman