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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Tuesday, November 10, 2015
When you think of US buntings, you can think of added savings because many of the materials or nylons for the project will last a long time and do not easily deteriorate even in bad weather. The banners can be located in several government structures and schools. The kinds of bunting will determine its lifespan. You will also realize how your friends and colleagues will like how these attractive items will appear during special events. Compared to traditional decors, buntings are generally cheaper and easier to install.

If you opt for flag bunting, you can expect an easier and more convenient setup. The entire look will improve how your structure or home appears from the street. These are the ideal pieces of decoration during Independence Day or Flag Day.

First, cut the fabric into strips. Each should be about 50cm long. The item should be folded repeatedly from the right portion and then pressed. Use a ruler and chalk to make a distance of 20cm from the top to the bottom. Make the 10cm mark and the continue doing the same for every 20cm of material. Draw more lines from both ends and then create a zigzag style throughout the strip line. The lines should be properly cut. Fold the pieces accordingly. The triangles must be placed together and then sewn. The final buntings may be displayed wherever you like. Look for US bunting materials from flag shops and on the internet. Compare between materials to get the best type that lasts for years.

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by: The Flagman