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Custom Flag Maker - Custom Flag Manufacturer

Monday, September 30, 2013
Citizens all over the United States display flags on their windows, inside their house or outside their offices to show that they support and love their country. The practice has been handed down through generations and until now, you can find people showcasing custom flags featuring some of the most beautiful designs and bright colours.
American flags are offered in various places including the internet all year round but you should observe how the costs tend to increase especially during national holidays. The prices of flags may rise during Independence Day, Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day because of the high demand. You can also choose to keep more of these or buy in bulk to resell to others.
Many people actually earn a lot of money by getting a lot of American flags online and then reselling these during special national events and holidays. The small flags are very sellable especially to small kids. These come at very affordable prices especially if you get in large volumes.
The full flag is a great way to start conversations at an event. You can also decorate your home or office with these to welcome guests. There are sewn and printed flags depending on your preference and budget. The printed types are cheaper since these are easier to make. You can also get custom printed flags that look great regardless of the weather conditions and last long.

The wholesale banners are often used in movies by experienced directors. Many film houses keep these in stock for future movies or may even rent these out.

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by: The Flagman

Friday, September 27, 2013
Your company might want to improve its status in the market by having an increasing income and popularity. The product that your company has may be the best one compared to what other companies offer but this is not enough to generate more sales. If the all items similar to your product are put together in one place majority of consumers may tend to pick your competitor’s product. There must be a factor that you’re missing in this situation. You need to make your product popular, even more than the rest.
Advertising may be an additional cost to your company but it can help promote your product to make it known to the public. Ads can be not too expensive if you choose the right materials to do it. Why don’t you try having custom printed flags or banners? It can strike curiosity from the public about your product.
Custom printed flags or banners can be made in a manner that is appealing to the public. With the suitable combination of design, colors and material your product being advertised can score higher in terms of popularity. Flags are common in malls and in many stores when announcing a sale or new products to draw attention to potential customers. The use of this medium is also frequently seen in exhibits, bazaars and other events. This makes potential customers talk about what is being promoted.
If you are convinced about the effectiveness of custom printed flags or banners, you can try it for your company. There are flag and banner manufacturers and suppliers available that can cater your company’s needs.

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by: The Flagman

Thursday, September 26, 2013
One of the main objectives of successful marketers is to immediately stand out and grab the attention of target customers from everywhere. It is ideal to come up with a promotional campaign that can go viral so that you reach more people without spending much time and effort. There are agencies and groups that will help you make top quality flag designs, using the latest inks and technologies. There are also excellent promotional programs that will work just as well like stickers, posters, flyers and decals. Billboards are great but cost more.
Custom flags have been used for several years to bring in more business and loyal customers. Flags have actually been used for centuries but a lot of marketers now incorporate these in their business plan because of the wide benefits. Flags are also used to spread the logo or brand name of a business so that people can easily recognize and refer to them for their specific demands.
Flags today are used by different businesses, regardless of size, to showcase new services and products that will most likely appeal to the target customers. You will see different types of events, industries and gatherings present colorful flags with high quality images and enticing messages. These flags are available in sports events, trade fairs, exhibits and races.
Business owners should take some time to consider the right elements that will make the best custom flags. Feature the official logo or image of the company. Pick colors that will stand out and choose the right spot to feature these. Choose durable materials that can withstand wind and rain.

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by: The Flagman

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
There are advantages that custom flags can offer compared to other traditional marketing materials such as posters, billboards and flyers. For one, these can be placed anywhere depending on your target customers. The campaigns can be as mobile as the flags themselves so you can find new clients regardless of the location you pick.
Before, the available materials for making advertising products were very limited. New technologies today allow marketers to have highly durable and top quality flags that will last several years. These can be placed outdoors without having to worry about wear and tear. The cost of making such excellent flags has also decreased significantly because of the availability of new materials and machines. Using billboards and other traditional forms of media advertising may prove to be too costly for some businesses so flags are the best way to go.
There are also printing shops that can help conceptualize and print beautiful flags according to your requirements. You can bring the actual designs you need and let the professional adjust the size and enhance the image quality. Think of the best slogan and capture the attention of people everywhere.
New printers are also available which allow advertisers to have thousands of custom flags at very affordable prices. You can have your order in a span of a few days only, delivered straight to your doorstep. Find a reputable flag maker online.
Custom flags will be beneficial for any type of business, no matter how big or small. Printed flags can be changed throughout the year so you keep clients interested with new products, prizes and promotions.

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by: The Flagman

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Words are important to express a thought or a particular message. Companies that want  to put across a message to consumers need certain powerful set of words to represent or describe their identity. However, this method can be limiting.
If you own a company or part of its marketing team your goal is to make and keep the company’s image popular to consumers. You must find an effective way to instill the company’s message in the subconscious level of the consumers’ minds in a lesser time possible, possibly in just few seconds. Promoting a company through use of words can take up time for a mind to process the information. It also takes more attention and focus from consumers or viewers to comprehend a message.
Words may cause misunderstanding and disagreement. There are some ads with messages that generalize like by saying “We are the best!” This can cause some people to react negatively. Thus, it risks the company of causing disconnection to viewers and target consumers.
Good news. You don’t need words to express a message or promote your company. Effective communication can be done through use of custom flags. An example is a world flag. The American flag doesn't need words that say “The flag of America” in order to people to recognize the country. By using custom flags you can create a connection to people through its design and symbols that are associated with your company.
This method may seem to be very much established and traditional but for sure it plays a good association to consumers minds and gives value to the business.

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by: The Flagman

Monday, September 23, 2013
One of the best states of the United States of America because of its beautiful mountainous terrain, even larger than the area of New England combined, is Idaho. This state became part of the union of America as the 43th state on the 3rd of July in year 1890.  It landed as the 14th biggest state of America. The capital city is Boise, also considered as the largest city of the state.
There are a number of flags of Idaho displayed on flagpoles everywhere in the state whether in commercial or residential areas. Just like the rest of the country flags, they are attached on sturdy flagpoles made of aluminum and steel materials.
The state of Idaho flag shows the seal of the state placed in the middle of blue f background. The round seal has words that states “Great Seal of the State of Idaho” which must be made in gold colored text and the entire seal must be surrounded by a gold fringe. However, this was not shown in many flags until it was changed after the war.  A band colored red surrounded by gold edges is located below the seal with texts that says “State of Idaho”.

An organization composed of Canadian and American members devoted on the study of flags, called North American Vexillogical Association, conducted a study of the 72 flags of Canada and United States of America. Based on the study of flags in terms of symbols used, history and usage of flags, the flag of Idaho ranked 64 out of 72 flags of Canada and USA combined.

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by: The Flagman

Friday, September 20, 2013
Every country has a flag that epitomizes it. Each flag is unique same as no country has the same origin, history and characteristics.  As simple as the color of the flag can represent a certain story of a territory. In totality, country flags are very interesting to learn about.
Let us learn about the Mexican flag. Though the flag of Mexico already has its design in 1821 but the current flag design was used on the 16th of September 1968.  The flag’s color was changed many times until the fourth time which is the current one. The flag is composed of three colors which are green, white and red. Each has distinct value and meaning.  Mexicans value hope which is represented by color green, unity which is represented by color white, and patriotism and sacrifice of Mexicans who fought for independence which is represented by color red.  This color has become the standard of Mexico and a symbolism of the their liberation army.
The design has three colors arranged vertically with the white color at the middle where the country’s coat of arms which is a picture of an eagle, on top of a cactus, eating a snake is placed. That badge at the middle is the only thing that distinguishes it from the Italian flag. It is said that the coat of arm came from an Aztec legend which told them to build a new nation where they saw the eagle eating a snake on top of a cactus.
Mexican Flag Day also known as "El Dia de la Bandera" is celebrated on February 24th,by Mexicans across the country. This day is commemorated as a unique holiday in admiration of traditional Mexican heritage. The Mexican Americans on this day pay homage to the flag of their native ancestral country- Mexico.

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by: The Flagman

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Years ago, flags were raised in various areas to stand for nations during times of war. Initially, these were manufactured based on items like stone, wood and other components that are quite difficult to copy. After several decades, cloth was discovered and more banners proliferated throughout the world. These were also used for different methods and campaigns. The flags stand for the strength of a country and are an effective way to send a message to other people from different parts of the globe. These can also help decorate buildings and are wonderful to look at especially during summits and meets where heads of state or international diplomats gather.
Raising world flags is a great way of showing support to your country during big sports competitions, national holidays and other special events. Flag businesses continue to grow as people show their support and love for country by ordering different versions of the flags. If you wish to show others about your group using a flag, you can come up with custom flags complete with its own colors, logo and message. Come up with an ideal concept then make the right design with the help of a professional layout artist. Look for the best sources so you have flags that you can raise with pride. Some individuals have a lot of background so you can expect top quality products from them.
A customized flag can last several years when properly made and maintained. If you wish to showcase these in outdoor locations, you have to choose the right materials that can tolerate the external conditions.

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by: The Flagman

Wednesday, September 18, 2013
When getting more people to try your brand or company, aim to hand out beautiful custom flags. Try to use cheaper cloth that will attract people, although these may not last a long time. Also try to use a couple of basic fabrics when making flags namely 100D polyester and 500D spun polyester. The 100D polyester is ideal for marketers who are working on a budget because the fabric is cheaper. The 500D spun polyester is ideal for marketers who aim for quality and long-lasting flags. When ordering a lot, you might find it advantageous to get the cheaper kind especially if the campaign is only for a few months.
When you get the right information and an attractive concept, place these on the flag by using colorful pictures and images that get people’s attention quickly. When these are seen by individuals, they will immediately get the message and most likely try your available products and services.
Compared to flyers, a custom flag is preferred by many marketers because people keep these. Flyers are usually thrown away after being read for a few seconds. The custom flag will also be ideal in boosting company reputation and makes worthwhile investments. Think of useful and creative ways to display the flag, making use of designs that will help people remember your business easily.
Campaigns will require help as much as possible especially from experts in the industry. They can provide a number of designs online so you can pick the one that suits your business objectives and campaign plan.

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by: The Flagman

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
A flag is a thing that is used to represent something, may it be a group, a territory, a thing, an individual or basically anything that a person or a group would want to be associated with. A perfect example for its use is to represent a country. Flags often complemented with good flag poles although it is commonly ignored item when purchasing or setting up a flag. It is good to note that getting right flagpole is very important.
There are plenty of types of flagpoles to choose from. It can vary according to size, diameter, materials used depending on the size of the flag and where the entire set be located. The common and most chosen material used for a pole is made of aluminum. Aluminum is perfect when used for outdoor landscapes or events such as parades. It is tried and tested that such material is the most durable and strong. It can last longest compared to other materials. It is rust-free that is why it can withstand almost all kinds of weather conditions.
If you check online there are plenty of websites that offer flag sets or flagpoles alone. Prices can vary and there are a lot of website sources to choose from. Some sources offer flagpoles with external or internal halyard, fiberglass flagpoles and flagpole lighting and all other types of flagpoles that can retain its presentable look no matter how many years you use them. Flagpoles can be manufactured with either internal or external halyard. Nonetheless, be sure to pick a flagpole is durable and maintenance-free.

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by: The Flagman

Monday, September 16, 2013
A flag is an important item used by an individual or a group to serve as a representation of a team, a place, a territory, belief or mostly anything. The most obvious use of flag is to represent a county. And a flag is incomplete without its base where is placed, the flagpole. A flagpole is a very important aspect that complements a flag but it is also one thing that is often ignored. When planning to purchase a flag, it is essential to consider about purchasing the finest quality of flagpole to go together with the flag.
Choosing flagpoles may not be as easy as ABC because there are many kinds of flagpoles available in the market. The price, design, and quality may depend according to your purpose. Where will you put the flagpole, indoor or outdoor? How big is the flag? How often will the set be used? These are the few of the aspects to consider. The ideal type of flagpole used my most people is the one that is made of aluminum. It is known to be strong and last longest if you compare it to other materials. It is recommendable especially when it is for outdoor used wherein it can last almost all sort of weather conditions.

Another factor which makes it difficult to choose the right flagpole is that it is available to many online sites available worldwide. Each provides comparable good quality of flagpoles depending on the buyers’ specifications and prices can go within different ranges as well.

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by: The Flagman

Friday, September 13, 2013

Soccer corner flag is one of the basic parts of a soccer field.

The flags are positioned in the four corners of the soccer field to identify the boundaries.

This is a standard gear used in both professional and amateur competitions.

Corner flags are normally sold in sets of four however you can still purchase individual flags if you only require one.

The markers are typically composed of a flag and a pole.

The flags are customarily in bright colors for easy discernibly.

The colors red, white, black and yellow are regularly used and some even uses combination of these colors in either striped or checkered design.
The typical diameters of the poles are half inch or one and a half inch and utilize plastic materials such as acetate or PVC.
Some of the modern poles may be folded in two or three folds to make it compressed and easier to fit in your bag.
Soccer corner flags have different colors and the diameter of the pole also differs but height must be in standard measurement which is 5 feet. Corner flags are set on the ground using various kinds of stakes which depends on the surface where it will be used. For soft ground the most common take used is the screw-type stake. Another kind of stake is the spring loaded which contains a tiny spring at the foundation of the pole.
This kind of mounting is durable than the screw-type stake because it is more sturdy and flexible.

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by: The Flagman

Thursday, September 12, 2013
What are the occasions when you can fly a United States flag at half or full staff?
What does half-mast mean? And how would you interpret it if you see a flag flown in an upside down position?
Half-mast and half-staff basically means the same thing but a United States flag that is raised at half-staff must be the  first raised to the top and then brought down to the middle.
Though flags should be flown at full staff in majority of the time, there are certain situation that makes flying it at half-staff more appropriate such as death of a Justice, Congressman or President.
Though half-mast is fundamentally flying a flag at half-staff out in the sea, any United States flags raised at half must have the American flag at the middle section within the pole and the other flags like the city and state flags must be located below the midpoint.
Government buildings must display the American flags at this position for particular holidays.
These holidays include Patriot Day, Memorial Day, Memorial Day for Peace Officers, Korean War Veteran’s Day and Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
On the mentioned days, the American flags must be flown this way beginning sunrise till sunset except on Memorial Day.
During Memorial Day, United States flags must be flown half mast mode until noon and then at full staff at that point onward.
The meaning behind this is that the half-mast is to honor those who have died during battles of the United States and the full staff will honor the living nation.

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by: The Flagman

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Do you know how to decipher the American flag?
Based on the Flag Code, the flags are typically designed to be raised from a pole at full staff in daytime and be lowered down in night time.
There are particular occasions that requires for American flags to be flown half mast like deaths in the congressional and executive houses of government-but how frequent do you see a flag flown inverted?
How would you react if you see a flag flown in an inverted manner?
Though the Flag Codes indicate that a flag must not be turned backwards in military uniform or hanging if a flag is upside down it isn’t considered as a sign of disregard.
In accordance to the Flag Code, a flag that is flown upside down is deemed as a sign of distress.
This is infrequently seen however as this symbol of distress were only used mainly before 1900 on merchant and military ships.
In current times a flag that is turned upside down can be interpreted as a sign of protest and not just signs of distress specifically the health care debate.
A latest example is a plant nursery owner in Arvada, Colorado who inverted his flag to express protest on the recent health care bill saying that his voice wasn’t being paid attention.
There are some cases however where the American flags turned upside down can lead to confusion as a recent occurrence near Los Angeles indicated.
One veteran has been seen holding protest on Sundays outside of a VA hospital for the commercialization of the area by the hospital.

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by: The Flagman

Tuesday, September 10, 2013
The American flag is an important aspect of our culture even from its controversial beginnings.
It has endured two World Wars and two hundred years.
The flag has undergone changes symbolically and physically in times of achievement and crisis.
In times of the Vietnam War, the flag took on conflicting interpretations that divided the nation but by the Gulf War the flag became a uniting force.
In September 11, 2001 this flag was a representation of pride and hope.
Though this historic flag was dirty and tattered flying above the remains of the World Trade Center, it, like our nation would survive.
Not like other nations, America only has two national symbols which are the American Flag and the bald eagle.
The American flag is a sign known worldwide while the bald eagle is also recognized internationally.
The flag has inspired holidays, artwork, books, poems, songs and more.
It has been employed to show rebellion, nationalism and all things in between.
The flag is so significant that its history also speaks of the history of America itself.
-Continental Colors that was also identified as the Grand Union flag, the Union flag, the Continental flag, the Somerville flag and the Great Union
It was created with a British Union Jack in the canton with thirteen alternating red and white stripes.
-Deemed to be the first American flag though it never became official.
-The Maritime Committee of Continental Congress declared it as the certified flag of the American Naval Forces.
In the years 1775-17777, the thirteen stars Betsy Ross Flag was the first legitimate flag of the United States.
The 13 stars and 13 stripes designed in the flag represent the 13 colonies.

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by: The Flagman

Monday, September 9, 2013
The last process in getting your custom flag made is the proof.
Your custom flag manufacturer will send you a copy of the proof in pdf format.
But you can ask for a physical proof which is a little swatch of your customized design.
It is very important that you cautiously review go over proof.
In most companies once you have places your signature on the proof you are expected to pay for the flag even if later you will discover a mistake. Thus be very careful!
If you are using any drawing program such as Adobe Illustrator then have to convert first your “text to paths”.
This will convert your text into vector art and you cannot edit it with your keyboard anymore.
Raster art are artwork that can no longer be edited as curves and lines.
A photograph is one good example of raster art.
You may change the scale from smaller or larger sizes but when you change its size you will encounter the possibility of getting pixelated or blurry image.
As previously mentioned, the main key when designing custom flags, is simplicity.
Use vector art if possible in doing simple design with just a small number of texts.
PMS colors can be used to make sure that the flag manufacturer will know precisely the colors that you want to have in your artwork.
Once you are satisfied with your colors and design then your flag then the flag will be printed and delivered to you. With the knowledge learned from above, you must be able to get the custom flag that your desire that will fit your specifications.

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by: The Flagman

The last process in getting your custom flag made is the proof.
Your custom flag manufacturer will send you a copy of the proof in pdf format.
But you can ask for a physical proof which is a little swatch of your customized design.
It is very important that you cautiously review go over proof.
In most companies once you have places your signature on the proof you are expected to pay for the flag even if later you will discover a mistake. Thus be very careful!
If you are using any drawing program such as Adobe Illustrator then have to convert first your “text to paths”.
This will convert your text into vector art and you cannot edit it with your keyboard anymore.
Raster art are artwork that can no longer be edited as curves and lines.
A photograph is one good example of raster art.
You may change the scale from smaller or larger sizes but when you change its size you will encounter the possibility of getting pixelated or blurry image.
As previously mentioned, the main key when designing custom flags, is simplicity.
Use vector art if possible in doing simple design with just a small number of texts.
PMS colors can be used to make sure that the flag manufacturer will know precisely the colors that you want to have in your artwork.
Once you are satisfied with your colors and design then your flag then the flag will be printed and delivered to you. With the knowledge learned from above, you must be able to get the custom flag that your desire that will fit your specifications.

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by: The Flagman

Friday, September 6, 2013
A lot of people start playing golf at a young age then continue well in their 60s or 70s. Many prefer the game because it does not require a lot of energy and you don’t sweat a lot. However, it does not mean that golf is an easy sport. Ask any golfer and they will tell you how much the sport requires mental focus, a positive energy and strong legs and arms. Whether you’re playing competitively or casually, golf is one of the best games to enjoy with family and friends.
During the 1800s, the first official group of golfers, known as the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, presented flag sticks that indicate the putting holes. Through the years, golf has changed a lot and you will now see various golf flags that will indicate where the holes are located. There are four kinds of flags frequently found on many courses.
A number of golf courses feature a golf flag for each hole available. There is also a minor flag that will show the position of the hole. The minor flag will be useful in helping the golfer determine the proper position of the hole. The objective is to keep the game going regardless of the terrain and total number of golfers playing. The minor flag will show where the golf hole is directed to.
Golfers usually need to hit the ball towards the green even without having to see the exact target. Golf flags will also serve as safety indicators to prevent accidents and other people getting hit by the ball.

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by: The Flagman

Thursday, September 5, 2013
When you play golf, you will find several marshals or people managing the course. These individuals will have golf flags in their hands to indicate when it is okay to putt or swing the golf ball. Their signals will protect other players and watchers and prevent the ball from being driven to highly crowded places.
These colorful flags are also present in most PGA tours and minor contests. The items are positioned in various spots across the golf course so that golfers will be guided accordingly. Tournament flags will usually show the name and logo of the tournament and companies sponsoring the event. The golf association in America always provides tournament flags, especially in color yellow, showcasing the tournament or event as well as the hole number.
People are only allowed to drive their golf carts on certain areas of the course to keep the greens clean and neat. If carts are always going through greens, these can easily deteriorate over time. There are, however, special golf carts that have a blue flag on top that are allowed on greens. These are driven by golfers with special needs and are allowed for their safety and convenience.
Golf flags will keep the game of golf safe and enjoyable for everyone. Some people actually give these away as presents or souvenirs. You can talk to a number of custom flag makers to see the different designs available. They can further customize these to include your name or local club logo. These make beautiful decorations for parties and other big outdoor events.

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by: The Flagman

Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Marketing your company will require effort and consistency throughout the year. When New Year sets in, there is also a barrage of new ideas that will definitely excite your and the target customers. There are a couple of advertising tools that will make an impact namely custom flags and banners. Every year, make it a habit to replace or clean the flags. Just like other types of advertising material, custom flags will start to deteriorate over time. The condition of the flags will also tell people a lot about the way you run your business. It should be displayed in areas where a lot of people will see your latest offers. A torn and tattered flag will not be enticing to look at.
Flags and banners for advertising that are placed outside in places that experience extreme weather conditions are at risk for tearing and other flaws. These have to be repaired or replaced more frequently. Look for signs of deterioration then make the necessary adjustments to keep the flag looking good every time. The business may seem careless about how it operates if the flags are not well-maintained.
You can actually replace and clean the vertical flags any time of the year. Some business owners like to regularly maintain these by cleaning every month or so. For majority of business owners, January is the best time to replace the flag to get ready for another influx of customers. Custom flags and banners sometimes have images and wordings changed to grab the market better depending on the current demands.

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by: The Flagman