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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Monday, August 11, 2014
Here are some trivial questions to some of the basic principles behind American flags.
Question: Where can I see the American Flag displayed?
Answer: The flag is usually shown on a daily basis at government buildings, schools, colleges and polling areas during election days.
Question: Where is the American flag placed during parades?
Answer: It is located in the middle and highest part of the group of flags. In many parades, other minor flags will be shown with the United States banner.
Question: When the American flag is shown with other banners, which should take preference?
Answer: The United States flag should always be raised first and lowered last. This is the rule when flying the American flag together with other banners. The U.S. flag should furthermore be placed at the rightmost area.
Question: I noticed that all country flags are raised at the same height during the Olympics? Why is this?
Answer: When raising country flags together, these should be on individuals poles or staffs and raised at the same height. The flags should also be of the same dimensions. To show respect to each nation participating in the Olympics and other international meets, all the flags are given equal treatment.
Question: What is the rule when displaying the American Flag on Memorial Day?

Answer: When the flag is raised in the middle of the street, it should stay vertical with the union at the north end if it is an east-west street. If the street is north-south, it should be to the east.

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by: The Flagman