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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Ever noticed in movies where there are battle scenes from a few centuries ago era, opposing sides carry around flags emblazoned with that sides’ crest or insignia? It’s like they are announcing their identity to the opponent. These crest flags were always mesmerizing, bold and some even ominous. It seemed to portray each side’s strength and that they were capable of crushing the enemy.

Competitions are like that. Before any competitive event would commence, contenders come in their best form, brag, show off. It is much like predators showing their raw power. People love to compete; hence we have some people we label as competitive. These people will always find an avenue to show what they have and that they have what it takes to best others. Today, crest flags show just like that. It concretizes an individual’s, a group’s , or a country’s identity, strength and prowess.  Take for example an athlete competing in the world arena as a representative of his nation. His representation can only be complete if he comes bearing the emblem of his native land.
The use of crest flags to represent a demography has now transcended to the internet game playing stage. In these video game competitions, competing teams  come trailblazing hoisting their team crest flags proudly. The crest flags leave imprints to spectators to the game that they have become famous across the globe. Teams become recognizable because of their team crest flags.

These games truly are heated what with warcraft games such as Counterstrike, DOTA and Starcraft  is what they are battling on with. Each team’s custom crest flags raises up the ante even more. Fans identify conveniently with their teams through the flags they use to symbolize themselves with. Furthermore, it helps the organizers of the events in facilitating the ranking of each team which also comes indispensable during awarding.

Crest flag is a branding. A means of creating and leaving a imprint on everyone’s mind what a team is all about, their message and what they represent.
In the world of competitive gaming, custom crest flags is what a red flag is to a bull. Bring it on.

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by: The Flagman