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Monday, October 19, 2015
You will be excited to know that there are different types of golf players. You will realize that people’s behaviors tend to change when playing a round of golf. There are those who stay calm throughout the game, while others will do anything just to win the match. Keep your calm when dealing with players and you might even find out what kind of golfer you are.
Here are the people you will meet on the golf course.
1. Mr. Perfect. This person hates making mistakes, although these are almost inevitable when playing golf. They might get depressed or angry when making bad shots. They might even stay angry even when hitting good ones, telling themselves that they could have done better. The perfectionist will try to be their best, regardless of their current skill level. They will blame several factors if they fail to hit good shots or lose the game. They might even blame the golf flag.
2. The control freak. This golfer will aim to be early all the time. They will prepare their equipment and golf attire the night before or even days in advance. They will book their caddy and ensure that everything is according to their plan. Otherwise, they might get cranky if they feel like they are losing control.

3. The winger. This type of golfer will have all the needed items and tools to play golf, but may not focus on the game. Wingers believe that golf is about speed and power. They do not like to practice or might try new shots or hit forcibly every time.
4. The contestants. These individuals love a good challenge. They might place bets just to up the excitement. When things do not go their way, they might resort to drastic measures or even cheat just to win a round of golf. They might adjust the scores or move the ball when you are not looking. Always have the rule book on hand to counter them.
5. Chatty golfers. These people are playing for the conversations rather than the game itself. They like to joke around and talk about their lives outside the golf course. You might lose your attention on the game if you indulge.
6. The stingy. These players may be the opposite of contestants because they do not like the idea of spending too much. They might skip getting a caddy, might borrow other people’s golf clubs or fail to pay club dues. They also hate bets and may not offer help when you are getting close to the golf flag.
7. The ignorant. These people like to focus on the features of the golf course, the free items, the buffet and the people playing. They easily lose focus on the game.
8. The distracting golfer. They like to poke fun when you are putting or try to make you lose attention so they can take advantage of the game.

Knowing about these personalities will help you compete better and get to the golf flags faster.

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by: The Flagman