Thursday, December 31, 2009
There isn't much to say about expressing your love for your country. You can do it in small everyday things. After all, the heroes of our time are not extraordinary beings. They are among us. The difference is that they go the extra mile to help make our lives a little easier to bear.
Honoring them and the principles that they stand for isn't as difficult as it may sound. The common practice is to display their names in different places and then remember their sacrifice. If you want to go the extra mile, you can actually display your world flag in your yard. This is because the heroes that you want to remember have fought under that flag. They fought to preserve the principles that it stood for and the people who acknowledge it. All you have to do is to make sure that you comply with the protocols for displaying the flag. Otherwise, you just might end up dishonoring the flag itself.
The most glaring example for this would be a picture of certain residences within the United States of America. Some of these houses have the American flag displayed. They comply with rules that are part of their legal code. They raise it during the day, they don't let it touch the ground, they have specific ways of folding it, and they store it at night unless they have the means to illuminate it properly. They have these rules so that they can be careful with the way their national symbol is treated. Otherwise, it becomes like any other ordinary object.
by: The Flagman
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The workplace is a very stressful environment. This is where your boss barks orders at you and at everyone else. Sometimes, work takes so much time out of you that you barely have the opportunity to sleep. This means that you have to find ways to relax even while on duty.
You can actually relax while you're on duty. Of course, you simply have to regulate the amount of time that you're resting. Otherwise, your boss will notice and you might get terminated. For instance, you can get sit in one quiet corner and read about other countries and their world flags while sipping a cup of coffee. Since our office lives are so fast and are usually results-oriented, we might as well step back and take a breather just to get our head back in the game. After all, the simple process of reading and sipping coffee is very relaxing.
If you're on the sporty side, you can actually have a small putting green in the employee's recreation room. You can get golf flags and the miniature putting green carpet to make it as realistic as possible. You'll notice that you'll feel better after a few shots. You just have to make sure that you aren't in the middle of making a big report that is due in a few hours. Otherwise, you'll be earning more stress than you can get rid of in a full round of golf. If you're feeling a little competitive, you can even invite some of your officemates to have a little game.
by: The Flagman
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
It is truly a rare spectacle to see people working together for a common cause without expecting any other form of compensation other than achieving that singular goal. This is because people are usually searching for monetary returns or for some other form of compensation. However, should the situation call for it, they can forego that perspective.
There are communities in almost all countries in the world that are made up of members from a different nation. The different nationalities live in communities because they miss their cultural roots. This can be seen in the way they treat each member of the community as well as the geographic area. They create a reflection of their culture in the area that they live in. They even have their world flags displayed in some places to pay homage to their roots. This would show the world their love for their home country even if they are very far away.
When the time comes to beautify the community, they work together to get the job done. They beautify their community by decorating their shops, their homes, and even their streets. They often display their national colors or their national symbols by setting up street banners. The reason why they choose to display their colors or their symbols is that they are proud of their roots. This makes their community easily identifiable from other communities. It even makes their piece of home a tourist destination as it is quite a sight to behold. The good thing is that we can see the different cultures of the world right in our backyard.
by: The Flagman
Monday, December 28, 2009
Back in the old days, royal families really made their business public. Everything they did was made known to people even if they were utterly private matters. This was largely because they knew that they had to keep the public entertained so they wouldn't revolt. Thus, they let the public witness a royal drama.
The royal announcers have been portrayed as people with loud voices and loud trumpets. While this may be true in some cases, royal announcers actually carried a street pole banner with the royal seal on it. Simply carrying this around was a sign that people should listen to the person carrying it. They usually had to do things without the aid of a musical instrument. That is why they had to carry banners so everyone would be quiet when they saw the sigil.
The royal family also advertised their clan for prospects of marriage. They had flags around the town walls with their family crest displayed as well as s treet pole banners lining common travel routes within the territory controlled by the family. This meant that merchants who traveled those paths could bring news back to their kingdoms about potential alliances with another kingdom in terms of marriages. It wasn't just for keeping the public occupied with the royal drama. Rather, it was also about keeping in touch with other kingdoms in the area. After all, that was what was important to them during that time. They had to form alliances with other kingdoms by letting their princes and princesses marry as a form of treaty.
by: The Flagman
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Countries all over the world have symbols that are centrally important to the way they live their lives. These symbols are culturally influential as well as politically imposing. However, their meaning in the lives of the citizens goes beyond the cultural and political aspect. Sometimes, some of them don’t know what the symbol stands for but they treat it as a part of their being.
Most people treat national symbols with respect and pride. This is because they attribute these symbols to the way they are now. These world flags are actually the embodiment of the different choices their people have had to make. This means that the ones who knew about their past and who knew about what their people had to go through to reach their current status treat the flag as cultural extensions of their body. These flags also convey different messages so the people won't stray from the state's principles.
American flags, for example, are manifestations of the different principles and values that the American people hold valuable. They remember the times that they fought to keep those values true. They also remember what it took to simply make that flag a reality. This means that to safeguard the symbol itself, they have rules and regulations as to how to treat and how to use their flag. While there are no penalties for the infractions of these rules, they are part of the legal code. This means that penalties may be imposed depending on the situation. This shows how important the national symbol is to the government.
by: The Flagman
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Throughout history, men and women have gone on expeditions to explore the world that is not known to them. They go to places that they don't know anything about and they try to survive in them. Sadly, there are those who did not survive. These days, the chances of survival in similar places are higher. Rescue teams are easier to reach, and technology makes adventurers easier to spot even from a distance.
When you go adventuring, the first thing that you want to keep in mind is that you want to be spotted by anyone in the vicinity. This is because if you forgot to report back to base camp, people will know where to look for you. This means that you have to wear bright clothing in order to be easily spotted. However, that is not enough. You also have carry strobes and attention flags in order to draw enough attention on yourself.
You have to bring additional visual gear because you have to consider the different times of the day as well as the conditions for visibility. For example, unless your jacket glows in the dark, it will only be good for keeping you warm at night. The strobes can help you with that situation. During the day, however, your strobes are only helpful if you are under thick foliage. You need attention flags in order to draw attention to the movement of waving the flags in the air. It will also help if you know emergency patterns of waving the flags around as rescuers will be looking for any sign of life.
by: The Flagman
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
With the holidays just around the corner, most of us have planned vacations somewhere. Some of us even have plans to go on an adventure just for the sake of having fun during the holidays. Just remember that since the holidays are supposed to be happy and fun times, you have to take safety very seriously.
When we plan our adventures, we usually include safety measures to increase our chances of survival. However, during the holidays, it just isn't enough to have just the essentials. We have to go beyond our normal preparation and step up our safety precautions. The best way to do this is to increase our visibility so that rescue parties can get to us right away. We can do this by packing attention flags and strobe lights. This means that if we do get lost, people can find us easily regardless of time.
The next thing that you have to think about would have to be the exact specifications of the safety gear that you will be bringing along. For instance, you might want your strobe lights to be bright enough for people to see. You'll also want them to last as long as possible so that you can be sure that people can spot them even after you've been lost for a long time. The same holds true for attention flags. You'll want them to contrast the colors of the environment that you are in. If they blend with the environment, you will be very difficult to spot.
by: The Flagman
Monday, December 21, 2009
When we move to a different country to work and to eventually settle down, we leave behind some parts of our lives. But we don't leave those parts completely. We eventually come back to them and we suddenly realize that we miss those things. That is why those of us that leave our country live in communities that have relatively similar cultures.
These cultural communities aren't difficult to find. They usually let their world flag fly in some important place within their community. This allows makes it easy for people who come from the same country to easily find these communities and reconnect. Sometimes, residents of the country who have been looking for the same culture aren't aware of the presence of the community that is already there. This means that when they see the flag from afar, they feel relieved that they are not alone in that country.
The jokes we tell to each other are actually heavily based on our culture. That is why some people from other countries don't find them funny. Sometimes, they even find them insulting. This feeling of not being able to get a good laugh out of a good joke actually makes us feel alone when we are with other people. that is why, when we see our world flag raised in some parts of different countries, we actually feel good about going there to reconnect and once again share jokes that just don't seem to be any less funny the first time we heard them. It truly is a rewarding experience to reconnect with our cultural communities in other countries.
by: The Flagman
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The holidays are just around the corner. And the most difficult part of the holidays is finding the right gift to give to the people that you love the most. The thing is, it isn't as difficult as it sounds. There are a few things that you have to remember when you go hunting for the perfect gift.
People have different tastes. Sometimes, their taste is something that comes from subdued interests that can be traced to their childhood. They might still want to collect items that you can associate with pirates and other outlaw elements. The key is to know exactly what the person likes. While it may be easy to find pirate ships and other collectible items, it might not be easy on the pocket. The trick is to balance rarity and price. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to get the person a Jolly Roger custom flag. It is quite difficult to find an authentic one, so having one made is a very practical idea.
Of course, not everyone likes pirate paraphernalia. People might like golf a lot more than medieval kingdoms or pirates. However, if they like golf, they might also want to have a new set of clubs that they could use in tournaments. And since a set of golf clubs is actually very expensive, the next best thing is to get them an authentic set of golf flags. These are actually used in golf courses and can be souvenir items. Any golf enthusiast would delight in receiving these flags as it would be nice decorative items that could showcase their love for the sport itself.
by: The Flagman
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Racing has always been a very interesting sport. It is also very dangerous. However, the developments throughout the years have increased the chances for survival of the drivers that find racing so alluring.
The first thing that they remedied was the use of the custom flags. These flags were so important because they were supposedly the things the drivers looked out for. This was where their focus would be while they were driving at breakneck speeds. This means that if they spent too much time looking for the flags, they might be driving into a hazardous situation. After all, their eyes might not be on the road. So, researchers thought about using flags that were easily spotted even if the focus that is given to looking for flags isn't much. This allows drivers to keep their eyes on the road.
Aside from keeping things safe, race organizers actually made it a point to maximize the instruments that they use. After all, if they can't maximize it, then what good will it do to the race itself? This means that aside from making custom flags easy to spot, they also have to make sure that it doesn't tear in the wind. This means that they have to make sure that it can still be used more than once without fading. This makes it apparent that racing organizers actually take even the smallest detail into account. This makes it easier for the drivers to actually decide to race in the events that the organizers took part in. They do know that their safety is the primary concern.
by: The Flagman
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Golf courses around the world are areas that people invest so much time and concentration on. This is because they require so much attention on the smallest detail. Otherwise, the details that play against the overall efficiency of the golf course might make it such a discomfort to play in.
The owners and the managers of these courses have to make sure that they are fully functional. They pay attention to even the smallest detail such as the direction in which the grass is bending. This means that even the golf flags do not escape the careful eye of the owner. After all, if they want to reduce costs, they want to make sure that the flags they use are of durable material. Furthermore, they have to make sure that the flags have to be visible from a long way off.
The good thing about being so thorough with business is that you get to figure out all the possible alternatives to solving your problems as well as boost the overall efficiency of the golf course itself. This means that the better you run your golf course, the more potential customers you can attract. For example, you can use other types of flags as long as they get the purpose done. Custom flags are always an option that you can count on. After all, they are made in the exact specifications that you provide. So, if you aren't contented with ready-made flags, you can get one made especially for the purpose that you have in mind.
by: The Flagman
Monday, December 14, 2009
Our history is full of great battles. They were fought over land, riches, and sometimes over love. These battles are the reasons why we are the way that we are now. They formed the very essence of our society and the territories that we now define as parts of ourselves. These battles defined our nations.
Whenever an army conquered a piece of land, they raised their world flag in the most important place within that piece of land. These places included the town centers, and the military centers. These were important to those communities because these were places that were visited by the rulers. During these times, it could be assumed that they were the landed aristocracy. Control over these territories basically meant control over the region itself. After they raised their flag over these areas, they assigned governors or dukes or whatever title the ruling class carried with them.
Whenever they raised a flag over a region, they didn't do it just because they treat it like a trophy. They raised their world flags because it was a sign of control. The place itself may convey an air of power. However, the people living around the area also have to be controlled. Therefore, the raising of the flag actually became a political move that told people about who the next rulers were. Simply showing the flag was a sign of the military might of the conqueror and therefore showed the people what would happen if they refused to submit.
by: The Flagman
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Cities all over the world have their own set of festivals and celebrations. The city officials would sit down and talk about how to make the most out of what they have and then present the best festive mood that they could muster. It is during these times that the best colors of the city become revealed.
The first objective of city officials is to get sponsors for the events of the city. Sometimes, the cost of managing events is too high for the city treasury alone to shoulder. Therefore, the best thing for them to do is to get sponsors from the private sector. Sponsors sometimes require that they get advertising rights in one way or another. That is why city officials opt to use street banners in order to advertise certain events as there is a lot of space on these banners that would allow them to fit the name of the sponsor as well as important information regarding the event.
The second objective of the city officials would be to decorate the city. They use a lot of things to achieve this. They would sometimes use art displays in order to line certain streets with artistic or historical value. Other times they would line buildings with flags or such. But the most common way of achieving this is by using the same street pole banners that they used to advertise to achieve this. This is because the banners are also colorful. This sets the mood for the city as well as adds to the decorations that can be put in place.
by: The Flagman
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
War is an ugly thing. This is especially true if there are those who are not convinced by the leaders of their side. They move to the other side and then proceed to fight under their flag. Sometimes, without even knowing what they fight for.
Traitors are born not because they find some meaning in the other side. Rather, they are just not contented with the way their side treats them. They join the other side for the wrong reasons and then, when they find out that the other side isn't that different, they try to switch back. They turn their back on their world flag and what it stands for. They fight under a new flag. Often, they fight in different ways. They develop weapons, they use espionage, and they may even be strategists.
This sort of thing happened a lot before modern combat. However, the defectors were not hailed as traitors. Rather, they defected only after they have been defeated by the enemy because they deem the opponent more honorable than their old masters. They only fought under a new world flag if they felt that the ones who led under the flag were more honorable than the ones they served. These days, it doesn't happen that way. Combat is no longer based on a code of honor. Rather, defectors judge their actions based on personal gain. Their attitude toward their own country is so mercenary that they are in fact some of the worst kinds of combatants history has ever seen.
by: The Flagman
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
In most countries, the market is still a place that holds considerable importance. This is somewhere they get their supplies, meet people, and participate in social exchanges that hold their community together. This was the original purpose of the marketplace: a place where people can gather and bond together by displaying what they have to sell or whatever they are willing to part with.
Marketplaces are vital to the whole social structure. This is especially true for communities in rural areas that rely on themselves to produce the necessary things for survival. Since they aren't self-sufficient, they also rely on the person next door to produce what they cannot. These markets are actually festive in nature. They use custom flags of different colors in order for people to spot these centers of action from a long way off. After all, a festive mood set by the colors can help keep the people happy and willing to bargain.
Since people cannot produce everything they need to survive, they rely on other people to produce what they cannot. This system of interdependence helps people bond together since they do need to be in good relations with their neighbor if they want to bargain for a certain commodity. Sometimes, there are new producers that want to get noticed since they also offer goods that could benefit the rest of the community. They can use their own custom flags in order to tell people about the products that they sell. This way, they become part of the whole system.
by: The Flagman
Monday, December 7, 2009
Exploration has always been in the list of priorities of the different nations in the world. Even before the building of formal cities and political structures, communities would explore different lands in the hopes of expanding their territory. This means that the different nations of the world have different ways of marking their territories.
During the age of exploration, different nations with the capacity to travel and expand set out to discover the new world. This was the same time that they figured out that the world was spherical and not flat. They planted their world flags on the new parcels of land that they claimed for themselves. This signified their dominance within that area as well as telling the neighboring areas about their presence. This was done because they wanted to expand not only on a geo-political level but also on an economic level. This means that they also traded with the different nations that they might have come across.
These days, the last frontier is probably in the dark depths of space. Exploration has not lost its appeal or its priority in the list of the different nations of the world. They continue to find ways of exploring other planets either by using telescopes, or by directly setting out in space craft. Different nations with this capability have already set their world flags on the moon as a sign that they too have achieved some degree of space travel and exploration. At this moment, they are looking for an earth-like planet.
by: The Flagman
Thursday, December 3, 2009
During the great expeditions to discover and map the whole world, countless ships were deployed in order to raise the chances for the mission. The rise in sea travel also saw the advent of pirates using military and civilian ships just so they could plunder merchant and treasure fleets going around the world. These ships were identified using the flags that they bore.
Pirate ships used different flags in order to mark their ships. They used modified street banner types in order to maximize the image that they wanted to display. After all, these pirates also had different principles that they stood for. They also wanted to frighten the crew of the targeted ship as part of their boarding strategy. The main thing to look out for would be when the pirates would fly their colors. This usually meant that they were ready for a fight and that they would not back down. This frightened a lot of crewmembers and allowed the pirates to be successful in their mission.
These days, the flags are used to mark registered sea craft. This is because the ones that don't have registered markings are classified as hazards in the water. The ships these days use custom flags that show their insignia and sometimes, the nation that the ship sails under. This method of identification is one of the more reliable ones since these flags are easy to spot and record. Moreover, they can be used as landmarks when searching for something on the vast expanse of water.
by: The Flagman
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
When we have parties, we eat like there's no tomorrow. However, the nightmare is actually on the catering team since they have to make sure that the table matches the occasion. Otherwise, even if the food is way above everyone's standards, it won't be very appetizing to look at.
Matching the buffet table isn't as difficult as it sounds. You can use anything you want as long as it doesn't conflict with the overall theme of the event. You just have to keep an eye on the color theme of the venue and the event proper itself. For instance, if you're catering for a beach party, you might have to stay away from dark colors and formal props. Just use bright colors and other items that you can easily link to a beach resort. You can even use custom flags just to show how festive and how tropical the theme is. After all, these flags come in all shapes and sizes. Just mix and match the items and colors and you won't go wrong.
On the other hand, if you are catering for a business event or any formal occasion, you can stay away from the extremely bright colors and go with darker and richer tones. This is when you can use props that can emphasize the classy formalities of the event itself. You can use anything from ice sculptures to lighted display cases. However, this is where you can also stay away from custom flags. This is because the use of flags is associated with festive events. Even if the occasion is a wedding or a baptism, the flag might be too gaudy for the guests to handle. It simply wouldn't fit in.
by: The Flagman
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The most puzzling fact about our world is that there are more member nations in the Federation Internationale de Football Association or FIFA as we commonly know it than in the United Nations. While it seems unlikely at first, we do have to admit that sports, football or soccer specifically may be the best vehicle to ride on the road to peace.
It truly is a spectacle to behold so many nations in one event. The wonder is multiplied exponentially by the presence of the world flags of each member nation. The most astounding fact is that there are more flags here than you can find in the United Nations headquarters in New York City. When we saw through two world wars, we decided that perhaps the best way to deal with conflicts would be through peace politics. However, it does seem that the best way to deal with conflicts is to use sports in order to provide an event in which everyone can enjoy.
Sporting events are actually very cohesive activities. This is especially true for mega-events such as the FIFA world cup and the Olympics. People become one with the sport that they love when they see that their representatives are fighting for them out on the field. All other interests are thrown out the window during the games. After all, the only objective of each team out there is to score more goals than the opponent. At the end of the game, the conflict is forgotten. The two opposing teams shake hands and the match is set. Since FIFA is a big organization that transfers hosting rights to other countries, it also has its own world flag that symbolizes the love for the sport.
by: The Flagman