Alcoholics Anonymous or “AA” is one of the most popular groups in the world that helps alcoholics become sober completely. People suffering from alcoholism feel addicted and cannot control the urge to drink. The group keeps the identities of members anonymous. It is not a religious organization or a cult, contrary to what many people believe.
A survey in 2004 which involved about 10,000 AA members in the United States and Canada presented that members stay sober or become sober after eight years. Many of those who attained sobriety get regular counseling and spiritual methods that will keep them away from falling back into the habit.
The Sober Sources Network is another group that also believes in the 12-step program introduced by Alcoholics Anonymous. It is a effective program that will help alcoholics fully recover and overcome their bad habit. People who are addicted to beer and liquor can receive support and tips on how to avoid the problem completely. Information is regularly disseminated to members so they can attain fully sobriety within a period of time.
Alcoholism is actually very curable, although it may take longer for some people to truly complete the course. Alcoholics Anonymous also provides online support and can provide help and guidance even to drug addicts. People feel that they can only confide with those who have the same problem or have successfully kicked the addiction. Forums and discussion boards are available on the internet where people can freely discuss their personal experiences and get help from those who were in the same position before. Alcoholics Anonymous is your solution to a clean and spiritual life.
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