Advertising today has become a very lucrative business and has come a long way since the day it was conceptualized. It was in the mid 1900’s that the first commercially related advertising was promoted when trace and commerce became fully established.
It was on this period that banking has modernized the way of keeping assets through bank notes and the safekeeping of wealth in third party establishments.
The means of advertising started out with handing leaflets of printed materials on paper or cloth to passersby done by hired persons. Eventually, the ones who advertise would find this a bit costly and shifted towards creating posters of their merchandise which are then pasted on walls and street posts where a lot of foot traffic goes on.
Technology has touched the world of advertising taking the world of advertisement to new heights. Multimedia and satellite broadcasting has taken a giant niche in the industry as it is more far reaching grasp than the regular print media. In a single broadcast, billions of people , a potential market can now see and hear what a product is all about. Companies now scramble to invest even in just a few seconds of airtime just to squeeze their product endorsement as the returns of a billions of investment could also be double.
Still, the classic way of advertising did not fade from the market as they can hold up their own as they come about as a conservative means of investment in terms of advertising. Until today, we see flags and banners dotting a popular landmark, building walls or even on scenic landscapes. These flags can convey just about anything although what brings about a drool is a sign that says “SALE”. That would probably send even the highest heeled lady gasping with excitement.
Flags are a mainstay to the advertising campaign whether they come plain or with pictures of well known celebrities holding a product they are endorsing. Even without words, flags like the latter seem to be able to hypnotise people to buy the merchandise.
Non multimedia advertising such as a customized sale flag can still get the necessary sales revenue. Customized sale flags will never be nudged out of the advertising world as they are the best means of advertising to people who may not be reached by information conveyed by more technologically advanced means. No wonder advertising is a lucrative business. It is a way connecting people in an environment of commercial sales with the goal of enticing people to buy or to sell.
Labels: advertising flag, custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag
The Flagman